Woccon Indians. A small tribe formerly inhabiting east North Carolina, related linguistically to the Catawba, hence of Siouan stock. All that is known of them is recorded by Lawson, who states that about 1710 they lived 2 leagues from the Tuscarora on the lower Neuse in 2 villages, Yupwauremau and Tooptatmeer, having 120 warriors. In his map of 1709, reproduced by Hawks 1, he places them between Neuse river and one of its affluents, perhaps about the present Goldsboro, Wayne county. They joined the Tuscarora against the whites in the war of 1711-13, as is learned from incidental references in colonial documents, and it is probable that they were extinguished as a tribe by that war. The remnant may have fled north with the Tuscarora or have joined the Catawba 2. Lawson preserved a vocabulary of 150 words of their language, which shows that it was closely related to the Catawba, although the two tribes were separated by nearly 200 miles.
- Hawks, Hist. No. Car., II, 104, 1859[
- Mooney, Siouan Tribes of the East, 65, 1894[