Biographical Sketch of Baker, Mosley, Captain

Captain Baker, being closely identified with the people of Fort Bend County during the passage of the Mexican army, through what is now Fort Bend, but then Austin County, where he made such a heroic stand at San Felipe as to cause the Mexican army to abandon the attempt there and come on down the river to Fort Bend and make the passage, we add this notice of him in our history: He came from Alabama to Texas in 1834, and, becoming prominent in the affairs .of the country, and so opposed to Mexican aggression, that he was on the list of those proscribed by Colonel Ugartechea of the Mexican army and his arrest ordered at San Felipe. While he was in command at that point, during the Mexican invasion, the town was burned, Captain Baker said by order of General Houston, but Houston said his order had been misunderstood, that he gave no such order. Captain Baker was wounded, at the battle of San Jacinto, where his company displayed great gallantry. He represented Galveston in the Congress of the Republic in 1838 and 1839, and died of yellow fever in Houston, November the 4th, 1848.



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