Biography of Godfrey Nims

Godfrey Nims was the first one of the Nims family known in this country, the earliest record extant giving his marriage, in Northampton, Mass., November 28, 1677. His son Ebenezer removed to Deerfield, Mass., a short time previous to 1702, and at the destruction of that town, February 29th, 1703-04, he and Sarah Hoit were among the captives taken and carried to Canada, where they were kept prisoners for about ten years. The Indian chief desired Sarah Holt to marry him, but she declined, promising to marry any one of the captives, and subsequently became the wife of Ebenezer Nims. Ebenezer and Sarah (Hoit) Nims had five sons; the first one was born in Canada. The second son, David,-the subject of this paper,-was born in Deerfield, Mass., March 30, 1716. He was married June 21, 1742, to Abigail Hawks, of Deerfield, and they accompanied tae first settlers in the town of Keene, N. H. They had ten children: David, Jr., born October 29, 1742, married Jemima Carter, of Lancaster, Mass., January 1, 1768, by whom he had ten children; died August 30, 1826. Asahel, born April 30, 1944, died May 15, 1745. Sarah, born May 16, 1746, married Ebenezer Cooke, of Fairlee, Vt., October 25, 1764, by whom he had ten children; she died August 12, 1833. Asahel, born October 11, 1749, died-killed in battle of Bunker Hill-June 17, 1775. Eliakim, born September 1, 1751, married Abigail Briggs, of Keene, February 14, 1778; no children; died March 12, 1846. Zadok, born March 27, 1754, married Betsey Brown, of Leominster, Mass., by whom he had eight children; died January 29, 1842. Alpheus,. born November z6, 1755, married Abigail Briggs, of Keene; there were six children born of this marriage, all of whom died young without issue; he died June 8, 1804. Abigail, born June 3, 1758, died August 21. 1761. Ruth, born March 8, 1760, married Joshua Lawrence, of Roxbury, September 25, 1780; she had twelve children; died March 6, 1816. Abigail, born July 18, 1763, married Benjamin Kemp, of Sullivan; there were nine children by this marriage; she died March 27, 1842.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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