Biography of Jesse Andrews

JESSE ANDREWS, one of the most prominent farmers of Douglas County, Missouri, first saw the light of day in Maury County, Tennessee, his birth occurring February I101836.

His parents, D. F. and Sally (Morton) Andrews, were natives of Tennessee, but the grandfather, John Andrews, was born in the grand old State of Virginia. He was of German origin and served as a soldier in the Indian wars. About the year 1868 the parents of our subject moved to Missouri and settled near Ava, this county, on a farm where both passed the remainder of their days, the mother dying in 1879 and the father in 1881. For many years they were earnest members of the Christian Church, and the father was a Republican in his political views. Nine children were born to this estimable couple, only three of whom are living, two besides our subject: Elizabeth, who is Mrs. White, of this county, and Michael H., who is living near Ava.

During his youth Jesse Andrews assisted in the farm work at home and attended the common schools, where he received a fair education. As he had been trained to the arduous duties of the farm it was but natural that when starting out for himself that he should choose agricultural pursuits as his occupation in life. He began for himself in 1871, a few years after coming to this county, and for two years resided near Marshfield. Later he settled near Ava, remained there five years and then bought the farm where he now lives, seven miles from Ava, where he has 280 acres of good, productive land. He also has 200 acres two miles north of that town, making about 500 acres that he owns in the county. Mr. Andrews started business in a small way and by industrious habits and good management has accumulated around him many of the comforts and conveniences of life. In following the occupation of farming he has not lost sight of the stock industry and on his broad acres may be seen many fine animals. Since the war Mr. Andrews has affiliated with the Republican party, and during that time has been a strong Union man.

While a resident of Tennessee he was married to Miss Martha Turner, daughter of William Turner, who died in Tennessee Four children have been born to this union, Ida L., Carmelia F., Martha A. and Rosetta M. Ida is the wife of Charles Posey, of this county, and Carmelia married Perry Tuitty, also of this county. Mr. Andrews has one of the best improved farms in the county and is one of the leading men in the vicinity. He takes a prominent part in all public matters, and he and family are highly esteemed in the community.



A Reminiscent History of the Ozark Region: comprising a condensed general history, a brief descriptive history of each county, and numerous biographical sketches of prominent citizens of such counties. Chicago: Goodspeed Brothers Publishers. 1894.

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