Rollins, Archie Charles – Obituary

Former Resident Dies In California

The following is from a Rosemead, Calif., paper last week.

Archie Charles Rollins, 63 years of age, passed away Sunday afternoon at his home on Brookline avenue, Rosemead, California. He had been in poor health for more than a year, so that the end was not unexpected.

The deceased was born at Jefferson, Green County, Iowa, September 27, 1864, coming to California with his family in 1905. They have also lived in Oregon a portion of the time since then but moved to Rosemead in 1923 taking up their residence on Earl street. A year and a half ago they purchased the property where the family now resides. He had been engaged in the real estate business in Rosemead for the past four years and had made many friends. He was a member of the Alhabra chapter of the Woodman lodge.

The survivors are his widow, Margaret E. Rollins, two daughters, Mrs. Sadie HIckey of Pasadena and Mrs. Dorothy Rosenberger of San Antonio, Texas, and a son, Cyrus, of Home, Oregon. There are also six grandchildren.

The son arrived Wednesday from Oregon and the daughter from Texas is expected to arrive later. The deceased leaves two brothers and two sisters now living in Kansas.

The body was taken to the Schanel undertaking parlors in El Monte from whose parlors the funeral services were conducted Wednesday afternoon at 2 o’clock.

Mr. Rollins was one time a resident of North Powder and has many acquaintances here.

Oregon Trail Weekly
North Powder News
Saturday, August 20, 1927



White, Judy Wallis. Union County, Oregon Obituaries. Published by Copyright 1999-2013, all rights reserved.

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