Biographical Sketch of Sumner Warren

Sumner Warren, son of Increase Warren, of Westmoreland, married Luthera Willard, of Charlestown, N. H., September 30, 1841. He resided many years in Chesterfield Factory, was a tanner, and very successful in business; was noted for promptness, probity and liberality in all his dealings. He was town clerk in 1845 and contributed largely toward the building of the Union church, and lately resided in Keene. He had five children, three of whom died young. The eldest, Lyman H., born June 26. 1842, enlisted, in September, 1861, in the 17th Regt., U. S. Infantry, distinguished himself for cool ness and indomitable bravery and courage in battle, and was rapidly promoted to a captaincy. He was wounded in the foot at the battle of Chancel lorsville. After the war he was stationed at Houston, Texas, where he died.September 18, 1867, and was buried in Chesterfield Factory.



Hurd, Duane Hamilton. History of Cheshire and Sullivan counties, New Hampshire. Philadelphia: J. W. Lewis. 1886.

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