1832 Creek Census – Oswichee Town

Last Updated on August 13, 2017 by MeBigBoy

By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records. This is the census for the town of Oswichee.

1832 Creek Census - Oswichee Town

Town Number Head Males Females Slaves Total Remarks
Oswichee1Par hose E marth lar4206
Oswichee2Fose Har jo1102
Oswichee3Char ley E marth lar3328
Oswichee4E ful o Har jo1102
Oswichee5O pi oke Yo ho lo1203
Oswichee6York ey3003
Oswichee7Cho cote Har jo (or Jacob)3306
Oswichee8Ne har Yo ho lo3104
Oswichee9Ko no Fix i co1304
Oswichee10Tuck a batch e Yo ho lo2204
Oswichee11Cho ar choo che46010
Oswichee12Thlath lo Fix i co2406
Oswichee13In to sar key1102
Oswichee14Thlock pos war2204
Oswichee15Top pus Har jo1102
Oswichee16Se ho kar2103
Oswichee17Te was soom me1102
Oswichee18Cho E marth lar2406
Oswichee19Chal lar1102
Oswichee20Kin ke he2103
Oswichee21At ke char we1203
Oswichee22Hi e ki che1102
Oswichee23E kis ke2103
Oswichee24George (or Georgy)1102
Oswichee25Nul cup Yo ho lo3104
Oswichee26Kol lese Har jo1203
Oswichee27Mar fo lo te2204
Oswichee28O par ye5106
Oswichee29Ke lis sar Har jo1102
Oswichee30Choo e ley2204
Oswichee31It char Wi ke1203
Oswichee32Chi ar ye1102
Oswichee33Far tose ke2103
Oswichee34Pe no te1102
Oswitche34Ok ti ar che E marth lar1102principal chief
Oswichee35She me lar1102
Oswichee36Chock ko e che1102
Oswitche36Tuck a batch ee Fix i co3205principal chief
Oswichee37Oas par tok Fix i co1203
Oswichee38Spoke oke Har jo1102
Oswichee39Char me lar1102
Oswichee40Che far le1102
Oswichee41Te wat tar che1102
Oswichee42Sap po ho kar1102
Oswichee43Te kin kar1102
Oswichee44Tal mo chus Har jo1102
Oswichee45Ho che pe1102
Oswichee46Ho hi ke1102
Oswichee47Yum kar1102
Oswichee48Sock har lofe kay1304
Oswichee49Fe har yhe1102
Oswichee50Is fo le che1102
Oswichee51Chock se ho kar2204
Oswichee53Thle ni ya0202
Oswichee54Thlar lar ke1103
Oswichee55At up pi ke0213
Oswichee56Hone tar2103
Oswichee57O cho te2204
Oswichee58Ka tey3249
Oswichee59O tar ke1203
Oswichee60Sting kar ke1405
Oswichee61Fo lo li ke2204
Oswichee62Chok ko thle2103
Oswichee63Sar pe he (or Old Billy)1102
Oswichee64Far len nar5005
Oswichee65Mar lose tar1102
Oswichee66Sow hose kar2204
Oswichee67Ful le che0404
Oswichee68Te nar sey1203
Oswichee69Sat tar hi ke1203
Oswichee70O sok ey1102
Oswichee71Sing cool kar1102
Oswichee72Arse no che2204
Oswichee73Lum hi che1102
Oswichee74Ar swe lar key1102
Oswichee75Ko ne pe Marthlar1102
Oswichee76Sock hol lar2103
Oswichee77Tal le he char1102
Oswichee78Le tif Har jo1203
Oswichee79Te thle kar2204
Oswichee80E ho mer2204
Oswichee81Ste he che pe0202
Oswichee82E marth lar Thlock o2002



Hall, Lance L. Parsons and Abbott Roll.

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