1832 Creek Census – Cussetaw Town

By a treaty of March 24, 1832, the Creek Indians ceded to the United States all of their land east of the Mississippi River. Heads of families were entitled to tracts of land, which, if possible, were to include their improvements. In 1833 Benjamin S. Parsons and Thomas J. Abbott prepared a census of Creek Indian heads of families, which gave their names and the number of males, females, and slaves in each family. The entries were arranged by town and numbered; these numbers were used for identification in later records. This is the census for the town of Cussetaw.

416Ste mi sar ke1102
417Sal lar te1102
418Te me se pe1103
419Tus tun nuck Ho thle po ya2002
420Tar po lar1102
421Mar tul key1102
422Ste mar te hi ke1102
423Sce to1102
424Ste mar ho ye3003
425Tar se yo1102
426Hul le1102
427Low se Thlock o1203
428Ti a key1214
429Sal lar ke1102
430Billy (Grayson)1102
431Low sey1102
432Lar te cho yar1102
434Full ho e che1113
435Har pealth kar1102
436Pah lo cho ko lo2002
437Sim me1102
438Te lo sti ge1102
439Yi ye2002
440Te kul kar1102
441Par hoseYo ho lo2002



Hall, Lance L. Parsons and Abbott Roll.

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