Biography of W. W. Powell

For the past two years W. W. Powell has been city attorney of Pryor. He ranks high among the prominent lawyers of the Oklahoma bar and he has built up a large and distinctively representative clientage. He has concentrated his time, energies and attention upon his professional duties and the work that he has done as advocate and counselor indicates clearly his familiarity with the principles of jurisprudence and an analytical power that enables him to correctly apply those principles to the question under consideration. He was born in Black Jack Hill, Arkansas, on the 31st of December, 1865, a … Read more

Biography of Vernon B. Ellington

Since January, 1919, Vernon B. Ellington has served as postmaster of Wagoner and in that capacity has made an excellent record. He has a thorough understanding of the duties that devolve upon him and is prompt and efficient in their execution. Mr. Ellington was born in Russellville, Arkansas, in March, 1892, a son of Rev. L. G. and Mary A. (Dunlap) Ellington, natives of Tennessee. The father entered the Methodist ministry at the age of eighteen years and preached throughout Tennessee and Arkansas until 1893, when he removed to Indian Territory, where he worked among the Indians in districts where … Read more

Dotson, G. B. – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon LaGrande–G. B. Dotson, who crossed the plains to Oregon in an ox-team party in 1875 from Arkansas, died here February 10, 1931. He was 82 years old. Funeral services will be held at Union tomorrow. North Powder News – Oregon Trail Weekly Feb. 20, 1931 Transcribed by: Charlotte Carper

Biography of Mack S. Edmondson

Except for looking after his land and other interests of a varied and important nature, Mack S. Edmondson is living retired in Pryor, enjoying the fruits of a life spent in diligence and industry. He was born on the 9th of September, 1853, a son of Van and Laura (Denman) Edmondson, both natives of Georgia. They came to this state after the Civil war but subsequently removed to Texas and located at Kaufman. The mother’s demise occurred there and soon afterward the father removed to Delaware county, Indian Territory, where he engaged in farming and stock raising until his death. … Read more

Gray, George Grant – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon George Gray Is Called Beyond Grim Death Angel Takes Another of County’s Respected Pioneers Death took another of Union county’s respected pioneers yesterday when George Grant Gray died at his residence in Lower Cove at 2:15 o’clock in the afternoon. Burial will be at the Summerville cemetery tomorrow at 2:30 p.m. The body will be at the residence from Monday evening until 1:30 p. m. Tuesday at which time it will be taken to Summerville where funeral services will be held. Mr. Gray was born in Granger County, Tennessee, April 10, 1840 er’s family, in 1853, … Read more

Biography of John W. Capps

Among the leading financial institutions of Muskogee county is numbered the Haskell National Bank, of which John W. Capps is the president, and the successful conduct of the enterprise is largely due to his well formulated and promptly execute plans and marked business ability. He was born in Madison county, Arkansas, June 15, 1880, and is a son of James R. and Louisa (King) Capps, the former a native of Missouri and the latter of Texas. For four years the father cultivated a farm in Arkansas and in 1888 removed to Texas, where he purchased land which he continued to improve and … Read more

Gorham, Sarah A. – Obituary

Mrs. Gorham’s Death Recalls Mate’s Murder Mother of Wolfe Creek Farmer Passes While Visiting Relatives in Texas – Lived in Mexico Mrs. Sarah A. Gorham, mother of Jack Gorham of North Powder and Mrs. Enolia Brothers of Cove, died at the home of her neice, (sic) Vesta Green, at Slidell, Tex., July 26, last. The funeral took place in that city July 27, at the Methodist church, of which she was a member nearly all her life. Mrs. Gorham and her family for many years made their home in old Mexico and her death recalls the murder of her husband, … Read more

Horton, Mary Mrs. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Died at Union, Oregon, March 6, 1922, Mrs. Mary Horton, age 71 years, 4 months and 18 days. Mary Fisher, daughter of Thomas and Martha Fisher, was born October 16, 1850, in Wayne County, Tennessee. She was married to Nathaniel Horton, in Corey County, Arkansas, January 31, 1870. To this union eight children were born-two having passed on. In the spring of 1876 they started to Oregon, arriving in the Grande Ronde Valley October 6, 1876. They camped about where Little Creek bridge is now on the Cove road. They made their home in this valley … Read more

Biography of Robert Bruce Garrett

Prominent among the successful, energetic and progressive business men of Pryor is Robert Bruce Garrett, who has been identified with various enterprises having to do with the development and improvement of this community and is now engaged in the real estate business. He was born at old Baptist Mission, near which the town of Westville, Adair county, is now located on the 2d of December, 1876, a son of James Robert and Elizabeth A. (Greer) Garrett. His father was a native of Tennessee who came to the Indian Territory when’ quite young, locating at the mission. It was there that … Read more

Gibson, Mollie Mrs. – Obituary

Cove, Union County, Oregon Death Calls Cove Matron Mrs. Mollie Gibson, 79, died at the home of her grandson, Muriel Rundall, Sunday after being ill several months. Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at Union and burial was in Rose Ridge cemetery of Cove. Mollie Plummer was born at Baxter Springs, Mo., July 29, 1859. She was married to James Gibson at Fayette Ark., December 19, 1877. Gibson died March 23, 1936. Eight children were born. Those surviving are Mrs. Sam Richards and Mrs. Jim Rundall of Cove. Mrs. Hamilton Arthur and Jim Gibson of Baker, Miss Mabel Gibson of … Read more

Biography of John H. Plunkett, M. D.

Thoroughly equipped by liberal collegiate training for the profession which he makes his life work and in which he has ever displayed the strictest fidelity to high principles, Dr. John H. Plunkett is numbered among the leading physicians and surgeons of Porum, where for the past eight years he has been engaged in practice. A native of Arkansas, he was born in Logan County, April 12, 1874, his parents being Jasper and Mary (Bennett) Plunkett, the former also a native of that state, while the latter was born in Tennessee. The father engaged in the cultivation of a farm in … Read more

Jordan, Roy Pennington – Obituary

La Grande, Union County, Oregon Roy (Big Smoke) Jordan, of 1808 Third St., died Saturday, March 1, at his home. Mr. Jordan was a retired Union Pacific Railroad engineer. He was 66. Mr. Jordan, was born April 9, 1913 at Scranton, Ark., the son of George and Rachel (Keimmamer) Jordan. On June 2, 1933, he was married to Catherine Kaup at Stillwater, Okla., They moved to La Grande in 1939. Mr. Jordan was a member of La Grande Elks Lodge #433; La Grande Eagles Aerie #259; Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers; and a life member of Union Pacific Oldtimers Club. Survivors … Read more

Biography of R. S. Bradley

R. S. Bradley is well known in business circles of Bartlesville as a successful real estate operator and in the management of his business interests he displays enterprise, determination and marked executive ability. He was born in Pope County, Arkansas; November 23, 1868, and his parents were S. A. and Martha (Torrance) Bradley, the former a native of North Carolina, while the latter was born in South Carolina. The father became a pioneer of Arkansas and died in 1911. The mother is also deceased. In Pope County, Arkansas, R. S. Bradley acquired his education, and in 1896, when twenty-eight years … Read more

McKennon, J. D. – Obituary

J. D. McKennon, one of La Grande’s best known citizens, passed away at his home here Sunday afternoon at about 1:30, following a short illness. Mr. McKennon’s death came as a shock to his many friends, having been in the best of health and attending to business until seven o’clock Saturday evening, when he was taken with a chill. Although he passed a somewhat restless night, he was apparently feeling better during the morning and not until shortly before noon did his condition become grave, a sudden change in the setting at that time. Death was due to pneumonia complicated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of D. C. Jackson

D. C. Jackson, a prominent citizen of Summitville, Tennessee, was born November 16, 1821, in Monticello, Kentucky, and is the son of J. B. and Dorcas (Cox) Jackson. The father was born in Lewisburg, N. C., in 1798, and when quite young came to Tennessee. For eight years, before he went into the mercantile business, he was clerk of McMinn County. The mother was born about 1797 in Tennessee. Both were members of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and he was a democrat. In 1839 our subject began an extensive tour through Virginia, Missouri, Arkansas, Texas, Indian Territory and Mexico. He … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. K. Farris, M. D.

J. K. Farris, M. D., a prominent physician of Coffee County, was born in Franklin County in 1836. His parents, William C., and Mahaley, (Kennerly) Farris, were natives of Franklin County, the latter, daughter of J. P. Kennerly, of Georgia. The father was a shoemaker, and came to Tennessee in 1811. Our subject married Mary E. Austell in 1857, whose parents were natives of North Carolina. They have had eight children; Ellen K. (deceased), born in 1858; Samuel J., in 1860; John K., in 1865; Annas A. (deceased), in 1868; William R. in 1870; Sue J. in 1873; Mary E., … Read more

Spain, John Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Mrs. John Spain Passes This Life Mrs. Leola Spain, wife of John Spain, died Tuesday afternoon at the family home in North Powder at 3:40 o’clock after a long illness. Mrs. Spain was born in St. Joe, Arkansas, and was aged 45 years, five months and eight days. She was a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C.P. Lawrence, esteemed Baker county pioneers and residents of Powder river valley. Besides her parents she is survived by her husband, a daughter, Helen, two sisters, Mrs. Nettie Conlin and Mrs. Viola Baisley and three brothers, William, Jessie and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of B.S. Stroud

B. S. Stroud, a prominent citizen of Manchester, and register of Coffee County, was born in Warren County, Tennessee, February 14, 1854. He is the son of B. S. and Nancy (Winton) Stroud, the former born in 1825 in Warren County, and the latter February 2, 1826, in Coffee County. Their deaths occurred October 12, 1853, and June 4, 1869, respectively. After their marriage, about 1844, the elder Stroud was farming and shipping and trading in livestock. He was politically a Whig. Our subject, one of four children, was educated at Manchester College, under Rev. W. D. Carnes. After four … Read more

Smith, Absolom B.C. – Obituary

Elgin, Union County, Oregon The death of Absolom Smith occured at the family residence on Pumpkin Ridge, Monday, April 10, 1905. Mr. Smith had been afflicted with tuberculosis. Deceased was born in the State of Arkansas in 1847 and was therefore 58 years old at the time of his death. In 1891 Mr. Smith accompanied by his family came to Elgin and have been residents of this section continuously since that date. They had many friends in this section who with his wife, two sons and a daughter are left to mourn his loss. The interment took place in the … Read more

White, J. A. – Obituary

J. A. White, for nine years a resident of Union, died at his home in South Union, Sunday, November 27, 1927, age a little over 65 years. The funeral took place from Cock Bros., undertaking parlors, Tuesday afternoon, November 29. Jas. Alexander White was born October 1st, 1862, in Arkansas and died at his home in Union, Ore., November 27th. He came west to California about 1890, then returned to Missouri, where he was married, his wife dying 22 years ago. He came to Union some nine years ago, where he has since made his home. He leaves behind him … Read more