Barton, I. W. – Obituary

Pioneer of 1880 dies at Wallowa Courtesy of Wallowa Sun Another Wallowa county pioneer I.W. Barton, was claimed by death, at Wallowa, June 22, 1928. Mr. Barton was born in Howell county, Missouri, June 13, 1843, being at the time of his demise, 86 years and 9 days of age. Mr. Barton was brought up in Arkansas, married in Illinois and came to Wallowa in 1880. He located a homestead about a mile north of Wallowa, his log claimholder being upon the spot where the Jack Johnson house now stands, between the bridges of Bear Creek and Wallowa river. In … Read more

Biography of H. V. Lowe

H. V. Lowe, proprietor of the telephone exchange at Ramona and an alert and energetic business man, whose connection with various interests is at all times beneficial to the enterprises which he represents, was born in Sydney, Iowa, on the 18th of May, 1878. His father, James Lowe, was a native of Ohio and during the early boyhood of his son H. V. Lowe, he removed with his family to the old Indian reservation in what is now Gage County, Nebraska, settling at Beatrice. There he still resides at the advanced age of seventy-nine years. His wife, who bore the … Read more

Biography of Raymond F. Dutch

Raymond F. Dutch. Since September, 1903, the Chanute Business College had occupied a recognized position of importance among the institutions of commercial education in Southeastern Kansas, and each year had seen its scope broadening and its usefulness increasing. It is accomplishing good work in the training of young men and women to take their place in the business world, and many of its former pupils have already attained places of prominence in business circles. The present manager and proprietor of this institution is Raymond F. Dutch, who had had broad and varied experience both as an educator and in business … Read more

Biography of Edward F. Green

Edward F. Green. One of the most interesting citizens of Kansas lives at Arkansas City in the person of Edward F. Green. Mr. Green had known Kansas as a resident upwards of half a century. He came out to the state in 1869. His life’s activities have been chiefly identified with agriculture and with the farming interests. However, he was trained and educated as a lawyer and admitted to practice at Ottawa, Illinois, in the winter of 1864, but never followed that profession. He devoted his attention to farming and stock raising in Kansas, at which he was fairly successful. … Read more

Biography of E. O. Smith, M. D.

E. O. Smith, M. D. A physician and surgeon in Kansas for twenty years, Dr. E. O. Smith had attained high rank as a surgeon and is now the active associate of his brother, F. R. Smith, in the practice of surgery at the Winfield Hospital, which the brothers own. A resident of Kansas since 1874, Dr. E. O. Smith was born on a farm three miles from Peru, Madison County, Iowa, January 19, 1869, a son of William and Ellen (Hollingshead) Smith. His father was a native of Kentucky, but in early life went to Illinois with his parents, … Read more

Biography of J. T. Shipman

J. T. Shipman, a successful attorney of Bartlesville, where he has practiced continuously during the past fifteen years, is now associated with B. A. Lewis and is widely recognized as one of the able representatives of the legal profession in northeastern Oklahoma. He was born in Ashley County, Arkansas, on the 1st of February, 1874, and began his education in the common schools there, later pursuing a high school course at Hamburg, that state. Subsequently be became a student in Ouachita College at Arkadelphia, Arkansas, which institution conferred upon him the degree of Bachelor of Arts, while his professional training … Read more

Biography of Archie Earle Carder, M. D.

Dr. Archie Earle Carder, a successful physician and surgeon of Coweta, with offices in the First State Bank building, has been a representative of the medical profession here for the past two decades and is the oldest practitioner of Wagoner County. He was born at Marshall, Texas, on the 29th of May, 1864, a son of George W. and Ellen M. (McDaniel) Carder, who were natives of Beverly, Virginia, and of North Carolina respectively. The father made his way to Arkadelphia, Arkansas, in 1849 and became a merchant there. At the outbreak of the Civil war he enlisted for service … Read more

Biography of Grover P. Watkins

Grover P. Watkins, engaged in the practice of law at Fort Gibson, was born at Carrollton, Arkansas, August 23, 1886, and is a son of Paschal T. and Eliza (Holt) Watkins, who were also natives of Arkansas. The father was a druggist and also a farmer, devoting his attention to the two lines of business at Carrollton. He served as a soldier throughout the Civil war with the Confederate forces and became an officer of the army. He died November 11, 1905, and is still survived by his wife, who makes her home in Green Forest, Arkansas. Grover P. Watkins … Read more

Biography of J. P. Greenwood

J. P. Greenwood, a farmer and stockman, residing eight miles northeast of Ramona, was born in Cherry Valley, Arkansas, February 25, 1871. His father, Thomas P. Greenwood, was a native of Alabama and crossed the Mississippi with the first emigrant Cherokees, prior to the Civil war. The Cherokees were on their way to their reservation in the Indian Territory and Thomas P. Greenwood accompanied his parents, who were very poor, to Cherry Valley, in Cross County, Arkansas, where he engaged in farming and stock raising. There the father passed away, leaving his widow with a family of nine children, of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Zeb Pettigrew Jackson

Zeb Pettigrew Jackson, whose activity in the field of real estate in Muskogee is bringing substantial results in the attainment of success, was born in Fayetteville, Arkansas, August 10. 1886, and is a son of U. L. Jackson, mentioned on another page of this work. Spending his boyhood days under the parental roof, he supplemented his early educational opportunities by study in the University of Arkansas, devoting a year to civil engineering. In April, 1908, he became associated with his father in the insurance, real estate and loan business which the father had established in 1901. The partnership was maintained … Read more

Biography of B. F. Rowland, M. D.

Important and varied interests claim the time and attention of Dr. B. F. Rowland, a leading druggist of Ochelata, who also figures prominently in financial circles as Vice President of the Ochelata State Bank, and he is likewise the owner of a good farm in this vicinity, his business affairs being most judiciously managed. He was born in Moniteau County, Missouri, June 7, 1866, his parents being Powhatan and Mary W. (Longdon) Rowland, the latter a daughter of a circuit rider in Missouri, who was one of the well known ministers of the early days. B. F. Rowland’s father engaged … Read more

Boyd, Andrew – Obituary

Andrew Guy Boyd, 85, died Feb. 5 at Wallowa Memorial Hospital. He was born May 14, 1919 in Pine Bluff, Ark. Mr. Boyd attended University of Arkansas, Texas A & M and Washington State University. He served with the 159th Infantry in Europe and was discharged in 1945 with the rank of lieutenant. In 1944, Mr. Boyd married Margaret Carroll. He worked as a cattle buyer and feedlot manager for Seattle Packing Co., and farmed in Wallowa County since 1968. He is survived by his wife Margaret Boyd, and by Kathryn Otis of Renton, Wash.; Joseph Boyd of Tacoma, Wash.; … Read more

Biography of John Daniel Bewley, M. D.

Coming to Miami in 1916, Dr. John Daniel Bewley has thoroughly demonstrated his ability as a physician and surgeon and his professional labors have been attended with a gratifying measure of success. He was born in Dover, Pope County, Arkansas, March 25, 1874, of the marriage of Benjamin V. and Triphenia (West) Bewley, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Arkansas. Her father was a major in the Mexican war and was stationed at old Fort Gibson, Indian Territory. Prior to the Civil war he retired from the United States army and made his home in Arkansas … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles Taylor Burns

Charles Taylor Burns, member of the Muskogee bar, devoting his practice to civil law cases, was born in Smithville, Arkansas, August 20,1871, and is a son of John Henry and Elizabeth Frances (Thornburgh) Burns. The father devoted his life to merchandising and thus provided for the support of his family. Charles T. Burns, having completed a public school education, afterward pursued a business course in the Central Business College at Sedalia, Missouri, and later entered upon preparation for his professional career as a law student in the University of Arkansas. On the completion of the course he was admitted to … Read more

Biography of Francis Marion Crowell

Afton owes much to the enterprising spirit and business ability of Francis Marion Crowell, whose identification with the town dates from the time of its establishment, and he is now conducting one of the leading department stores in this part of the state, displaying marked executive force, energy and determination in the control of his interests. He was born on a farm in Tallapoosa County, Alabama, March 14, 1859, his parents being Dr. Marion and Nancy A. Crowell, the former of whom was born at Mecklenburg, North Carolina, February 15, 1830, while the birth of the latter occurred in Henry … Read more

Biography of James M. Wood

A representative citizen of McIntosh County is James M. Wood, who since 1921 has been Mayor of Checotah. He was born in Crawford County, Arkansas, on the 13th of December, 1861, a son of James M. and Sophronia (Clyman) Wood. The father was born near Knoxville, Tennessee, in 1825, while Mrs. Wood was born in Danville, Illinois, on the 3d of January, 1834. Mr. Wood emigrated from his native state to Van Buren, Arkansas, at an early age and for some time followed farming. Subsequently he engaged in the general mercantile business and he was active along that line until … Read more

Biography of Neil Baxter Gardner

Since 1915 Neil Baxter Gardner has been Superintendent of the Oklahoma State Home for Orphans at Pryor. He was first appointed to that position of public service by Governor R. L. Williams, and he discharged his duties with such efficiency during that administration, that he was reappointed by Governor Robertson, with a substantial increase in salary. Mr. Gardner is one of Oklahoma’s sons by adoption, for he was born in Independence, Henderson County, Tennessee, on the 12th of October, 1875. His parents were Nathan A. and Frances Leona (Autry) Gardner, both of whom were born in Tennessee. They are now … Read more

Carnes, George M. Mrs. – Obituary

North Powder, Union County, Oregon Well Known Matron Passes On Wednesday Mrs. George M. Carnes, Dies at Baker Hospital; Leaves Husband, Children and Many Relatives A report reached here early Wednesday that Mrs. George M. Carnes of North Powder died at 7:30 that morning at the Protestant hospital in Baker, following a three weeks confinement there for an illness from which she had suffered for many months. Mrs. Carnes maiden name was Addie Agnes Turner and she was born in Dermott, Ark., Sept. 1, 1873. She was married to George M. Carnes August 14, 1897, and the couple moved to … Read more

Biography of J. F. Dale

Since 1908 J. F. Dale has engaged in farming in Nowata County and he has won an enviable reputation among the representative agriculturists and stockmen in the state. A native of Arkansas, he was born in Baxter County, on the 23d of July, 1871, a son of James and Lucy Ann (Coker) Dale, the former a native of Tennessee and the latter of Arkansas. Mr. and Mrs. Dale located in Indian Territory in 1881 and on the 10th of March of that year moved onto their farm on the Verdigris River near Coodys Bluff. There they, resided for many years, … Read more

Biography of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell

The life history of Amanda Payne Morgan Bell, who formerly, served as County Superintendent of schools, will prove of interest to her many friends and acquaintances. She was born in Fort Smith, Arkansas, her parents being Gideon and Mary L. (Payne) Morgan, the former born near Nashville, Tennessee, and of Cherokee Indian descent, while the mother’s birth occurred in Arkansas. In early life the father removed to Arkansas and eventually to Oklahoma, the train on which he was riding being the first to stop at Gibson Station, this state. Here he became a large planter and took a very active … Read more