E Surname
Eager, Charles H., Sergeant, Co. D, Painter. Discharged by orders, July 29, 1899.
Early, Frank A., Private, Co. K, Farmer, Richardton, ND.
Ebbighausen, Walter D., Private, Co. C, Clerk, Grafton, ND.
Eddy, John C., 1st Sergeant, Co. H, Clerk, Jamestown, ND.
Eddy, Porter W., Captain, Co. H, Farmer, Jamestown, ND.
Edick, John R., Corporal, Wagoner, Co. A, Rancher, Livona, ND.
Edison, Harry A., Private, Co. K, Clerk, Bakersfield, CA.
Edwards, William R., Corporal, Co. B, Reporter, Fargo, ND. Promoted to Sergeant, February 18, 1899.
Eggleston, Arthur C., Private, Co. A, Painter, Fargo, ND.
Ehri, Christian, Sergeant, Co. C, Laborer, Grafton, ND.
Elliott, Frank E., Private, Co. D, Student, Devils Lake, ND.
Elliott, William J., Private, Co. D, Plasterer, Salineville, OH.
Ellis, Alonso B., Corporal, Wagoner, Co. G, Farmer, Valley City, ND.
Ellis, Ernest E., Sergeant, Co. G, Student, Wahpeton, ND. Promoted July 9, 1899 to 1st Battalion Sergeant Major.
Ellsworth, Albert A., Private, Co. B, Cook, Fargo, ND. Discharged by orders, July 28, 1899.
Elsberry, Robert T., Private, Co. D, Farmer, Devils Lake, ND. Promoted to Corporal, October 6, 1898.
Elston, Arthur G., Private, Co. C, Laborer, Grafton, ND.
Elwin, Elmer H., Private, Co. B, Teacher, Fargo, ND.
Erickson, Albert C., Private, Co. D, Laborer, Columbia Heights, IL.
Ewing, John A., Private, Co. G. Died of fever in Manila, March 2, 1899; not listed in 40th anniversary roster.
Eymann, Fred, Private, Co. D, Farmer, Rugby, ND.
F Surname
Faille, Wilbrod, Private, Co. C, Laborer, Grafton, ND.
Fairbanks, Eugene Ray, Corporal, Co. G, Farmer, Valley City, ND.
Farrier, Charles N., Regimental Hospital Steward, Jamestown, ND.
Fay, Edward Jr., Private, Co. A, Clerk, Mandan, ND. Discharged for disability, November 29, 1898.
Faytle, John F., Corporal, Co. I, Teacher, Wahpeton, ND. Promoted to Sergeant, June 23, 1898; discharged by orders, September 1, 1899.
Feeley, Martin J., Jr., Private, Co. A, Rancher, Mandan, ND.
Fell, Howard E., Corporal, Artificer, Co. H, Carpenter, Jamestown, ND. 40th anniversary roster shows an “alias” of Harry J. Anderson
Fick, Herman F., Private, Co. B, Salesman, Harlen, ND.
Files, Herbert L, Private, Co. I, Mason, Fergus Falls, MN. Wounded in chest at Paete, April 12, 1899; discharged by orders, September 1, 1899.
Firn, Charles W., Corporal, Artificer, Co. A, Blacksmith, Bismarck, ND.
Fisher, John J., Private, Co. K, Clerk, Terspol, ND.
Fitzgerald, William F., Private, Co. K, Laborer, Dickinson, ND. Discharged by orders, August 13, 1899.
Fleming, William B., Private, Co. G, Nurse, Valley City, ND. Transferred to Hospital Corps, June 21, 1898.
Flemming, George E., Private, Co. I, Laborer, Wahpeton, ND. Discharged by orders, July 29, 1899.
Flint, Harry C., Major, Jamestown, ND. Resigned May 20, 1898.
Flynn, Willard, Private, Co. A, Laborer, Bismarck, ND.
Foley, Cornelius J., 2nd Lieutenant, Co. C, Railroadman, Grafton, ND. Promoted to 1st Lieutenant, May 20, 1898.
Foley, Oswald D., Sergeant, Co. C, Teacher, Grafton, ND. Discharged by orders August 16, 1899
Forkner, Mark J., Sergeant, Co. I, Printer, Wahpeton, ND.
Forrey, Otis, Private, Co. A, Bismarck, ND. Name appears only in The Record
Foster, Charles S., Quartermaster Sergeant, Co. B, Clerk, Fargo, ND. Transferred to U.S. 9th Inf., April 28, 1899; promoted to 2nd Lieutenant.
Fraine, John H., Captain, Co. C, Attorney, Grafton, ND. Promoted to Major on May 20, 1898; commander of 2nd Battalion.
Fraser, G. Angus, Private, Co. B, Bookkeeper, Fargo, ND.
Freeman, Alfred W., 1st Sergeant, Co. K, Druggist, Dickinson, ND.
Froemmig, Emil, Corporal, Co. A, Painter, Bismarck, ND.
Froenike, Ralph H., Private, Co. H, Student, Jamestown, ND.
Frogner, Peter L., Private, Co. K, Laborer, Atwater, MN.
G Surname
Gabriel, John J., Private, Co. I, Blacksmith, Wahpeton, ND.
Galloway, John, Private, Co. A, Laborer, Sterling, ND.
Galt, Sterling A., Private, Co. G, Printer. Discharged by orders, July 13, 1899; recommended for the Congressional Medal of Honor but is not listed on the official roll of medal winners.
Gannon, Frederick J., Corporal, Musician, Co. D, Laborer, Devils Lake, ND. Member of Bugle Corps.
Gant, John, Private, Co. C, Liveryman, Grafton, ND.
Garseg, Hans, Sergeant, Co. K, Miner, Dickinson, ND. Discharged by orders, July 29, 1899.
Geary, Edward C., Jr., 1st Lieutanant, Co. B, Clerk, Fargo, ND. Promoted to Regimental Adjutant, June 6, 1898; promoted to captain, December 20, 1898.
Geary, John W., Corporal, Musician, Co. B, Student, Fargo, ND. Member of Bugle Corps.
Gebro, Fred J., Private, Co. I, Brakeman, Wahpeton, ND.
Gebro, George, Private, Co. I, Boilermaker, Chicago, IL.
Gellerman, Fred, Sergeant, Co. I, Operator, Wahpeton, ND. Transferred to U.S. Signal Corps, June 15, 1898.
Getchell, Charles W., 1st Lieutenant, Co. G, Valley City, ND. Designated Acting Quartermaster, 2nd Division Medical Department. Assigned to command Company G, December 11, 1898.
Gibbs, Edward E., Private, Co. K, Teamster, Dickinson, ND.
Gilbertson, Gilbert, Private, Co. A, Laborer, Fargo, ND.
Gillett, Will J., Private, Co. I, Machinist. Discharged by orders, July 29, 1899; re-enlisted in 36th U.S.V.
Gilligan, George E., Private, Co. B, Laborer, Argusville, ND.
Givens, Robert, Private, Co. C, Farmer, Grafton, ND.
Glassley, Michael, Private, Co. A, Rancher, Bismarck, ND. Discharged by orders, July 12, 1899; re-enlisted in 36th U.S.V.; recommended for the Congressional Medal of Honor but does not appear on the official roll of medal winners.
Gleason, Jr., William G., Sergeant, Co. H, Tailor, Jamestown, ND.
Glenn, Frank M., Private, Co. H, Farmer, New Rockford, ND.
Glitschka, Charles, Private, Co. A, Clerk, Bismarck, ND.
Goodwin, Arthur, Private, Co. G, Farmer, Valley City, ND.
Gorrie, James O., Private, Co. K, Bookkeeper. Discharged by orders, July 13, 1899; re-enlisted in 36th U.S.V.
Gorsuch, Edward G., 1st Sergeant, Co. A, Machinist, Bismarck, ND. Promoted to 2nd Lieutenant, July 19, 1899; transferred to Co K.
Grafton, Gilbert C., Corporal, Co. B, Mail carrier, Fargo, ND. Promoted to Regimental Sergeant Major, February 24, 1899; resigned April 4, 1899.
Graham, Frank R., Private, Co. H, Laborer, New Rockford, ND.
Greb, William G., Corporal, Musician, Co. G, Farmer, Valley City, ND. Discharged by orders, July 29, 1899.
Green, John J., Private, Co. C, Liveryman, Forest River, ND.
Green, Thomas A., Private, Co. H, Laborer, Jamestown, ND. Discharged for disability, March 10, 1899.
Greene, Lawrence J., Private, Co. D, Laborer, Devils Lake, ND.
Greenwood, William M., Private, Co. G, Engineer. Discharged by orders, July 16, 1899.
Gregory, George W., Private, Co. B, Laborer, Carnell, IL.
Griffin, James E., Corporal, Co. I, Farmer, San Francisco, CA.
Groff, Claude K., Private, Co. K, Cowboy, Dickinson, ND.
Grogan, Edward C., Private, Co. A, Laborer, Livona, ND.
Groll, Raymond, Private, Co. K, Farmer, Dickinson, ND. Discharged by orders, July 13, 1899; re-enlisted in 36th U.S.V.; 40th anniversary roster indicates that he died in the Philippines.
Gruschius, Harrison J., 2nd Lieutenant, Co. K, Lumberman, Dickinson, ND. Transferred to Co. H, January 8, 1899; promoted to 1st Lieutenant.
Gunness, Peter O., Private, Co. I, Student, Abercrombie, ND.
Good article, except the U.S. never had an Empire nor did we ever try to. The definition of Empire is: “an extensive group of states or countries under a single supreme authority, formerly especially an emperor or empress.” “the Roman Empire” . We have never been under one supreme authority, not even our presidents have supreme authority even though trump tried it on Jan. 6th 2021.