Biographical Sketch of George Hamilton Eichelberger

Eichelberger, George Hamilton; lawyer; born, Urbana, O., Jan. 24, 1877; son of George M. and Emma Ring Eichelberger; educated, Ohio Weslyan University; married, New York City, Aug. 11, 18908; Frances Staunton Dodge; one daughter; United States Marshal at Shanghai, China, 1897-1900; since coming to Cleveland, connected with 5th Ohio Infantry as battalion adjt.; practiced law in Cleveland since 1901, (Reed & Eichelberger); Mason; member Union, Athletic, and Euclid Clubs. Recreation: Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Ralph Wigmore Edwards

Edwards, Ralph Wigmore; born at Cardiff, Wales, Feb. 1, 1879; son of Morgan and Fanny Wigmore Edwards; was brought to the United States in 1885; removing to Cleveland, Ohio, after some years’ residence in New York City; studied law at the Cleveland Law School; was admitted to the bar in 1901, and has since practised law at Cleveland, being a member of the firm of Geier, Farrell & Edwards; Democrat, in 1910, was elected a member of the House of Representatives of the 79th General Assembly; in February, 1912, he was appointed a member of the Board of Civil Service … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Orlando Hall

Hall, Orlando; mngr. of estates; born, Summit county, O., Sept. 28, 1855; son of Orlando and Sophia Towne Hall; educated, private schools, Cleveland Academy, Greylock Institute, Williamstown, Mass.; graduated from Yale in 1877, B. A.; studied law with Judge R. P. Ranney; took a course of law lectures for one year, and completed law studies in Columbia Law School, New York City; admitted to the bar in 1880, and began the practice of law in Cleveland; withdrew from the practice of law to devote time to private interests; owner of large property in Akron, which has been allotted; Republican; member … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Tracy W. Guthrie

Guthrie, Tracy W.; manufacturer; born, Chicago, Ill., Feb. 2, 1866; son of Julius C. and Emily A. Tracy Guthrie; educated in Chicago public schools, Chickering Institute, Cincinnati, public schools in Detroit, Mich., and Elmira, N. Y.; married, New Rochelle, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1910, Settal Horn; pres. Continental Coal Co., Columbus, O., 1903-1904; pres. Republic Iron & Steel Co., Pittsburgh, 1905-1911; sec’y and gen’l mgr. Standard Welding Co., Cleveland, to date; member Loyal Legion, Union and Country Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of George Anderson Groot

Groot, George Anderson; attorney-at-law; born in Washington County, N. Y., Aug. 3, 1843; son of John Aaron and Eliza Jane (Heath) Groot; educated in district and common schools, attended Oberlin one term in 1860; attended school in Camden and Amherst in Lorain County, in 1864; received captain’s commission from the College again in 1865-1867; then at Hillsdale, Mich., graduating in June, 1870, degree of M. S.; married, Huron, O., Dec. 12, 1872, Maora Agnes Sage; enlisted in the Union Army in the War of the Rebellion, in Co. H, 8th O. V. L, April 20, 1861, discharged August, 1861; re-enlisted … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lloyd B. Greenleaf

Greenleaf, Lloyd B.; moving contractor; born, Plessis, N. Y., Oct. 26, 1853; son of Alfred F. and Eliza Vanallen Greenleaf; educated in schools of Plessis, N. Y., married, Cleveland, June 15, 1887, Anna Knadler; came to Cleveland in 1884, with nothing, but has built up a very prosperous business; member Loyal Order of Moose, Protected Home Circle. Recreation: Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Fred. W. Goakes

Goakes, Fred. W.; real estate; born, Oneida, N. Y., 1868; came to Cleveland when 9 years old; educated in the public schools, and business college course; entered the real estate business and followed it, having good success; has put through some of the big real estate deals of the city; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Henry Geer

Geer, Thomas Henry; general insurance; born, Ledyard, Conn., Sept. 3, 1840; son of Nathaniela Bellows and Julia Davis Geer; educated, common schools, Ledyard, Conn.; 1854, Irving Institute, Tarrytown, N. Y.; 1857, State Normal School, Westfield, Mass.; graduate, 1861-1862, Norwich Academy, Norwich, Conn.; married, Poquetanuck, Conn., June 30, 1868, Fanny Halsey Brewster; one daughter, Mary Brewster Geer; Republican in polities; 1859, teacher Grammar School, West Gloucester, Mass.; 1860, principal of High School, Rockport, Mass., 1862-1865, teacher Burlington College, Burlington, N. J., 1866 to date, general insurance business, Cleveland; pres. The Thomas H. Geer Co.; sec’y The Triton Steamship Co.; sec ‘y … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James McCreary Gee

Gee, James McCreary; real estate broker; born, Kingsville, O., Dee. 24, 1875; son of Francis W. and Mary McCreary Gee; educated, common and high schools, Allegheny College, Meadville, Pa.; Western Reserve University, Law Dept.; married, Marysville, N. Y., June 6, 1900, Helen Mills; issue, Francis, born March 30, 1901, Daniel, born Dec. 7, 1904, Nicholas, born Feb. 24, 1908, and Caroline, born May 9, 1911; member Corps of Cadets, Allegheny College; Republican; traveling salesman before settling in Cleveland; in 1902, engaged in the life insurance business as asst. supt. of The Prudential Life Ins. Co.; in 1904-1905, mgr. sales and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Armstrong Garrettson

Garrettson, George Armstrong; banker; born, Columbiana County, O., Jan. 30, 1844; son of George and Ann Griffith Garrett-son; educated, public schools and private schools, Cornwell-on-the-Hudson, N. Y.; in 1870, married to Ann Scowden; in 1888, second marriage to Emma R. Ely; issue, three children, Margaret, George and Hiram; enlisted in Co. E, 84th O. V. I., 1862; graduated West Point Military Academy, 1867; appointed 2nd Lieut. 4th U. S. Artillery and served to Jan. 1, 1870; appointed on staff of Maj. Gen. John Poe; resigned in 1870, and returning to Cleveland, engaged with Second National Bank; elected cashier in 1880; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Burt M. Gardner

Gardner, Burt M.; salesman; born, Cleveland, Jan. 16, 1867; son of George W. and Rosaline L. Oviatt Gardner; public school education; married, St. Paul, Minn., Sept. 12, 1895, Marian P. Hall; one son; 1892-1901, associate editor The Iron Trade Review, located at Chicago, Ill.; 1895-1898, sec’y The Western Foundrymens’ Ass’n; 1901-1906, iron and steel broker in Chicago, Ill.; 1909, sales agt. Ansonia Brass & Copper Co., New York; 1912, district sales agt. for Ohio for Worth Bros. Co., of Coatville, Pa.; and Michigan Copper & Brass Co. of Detroit, Mich.; pres. The Standard Iron & Steel Co.; treas. Ventwell Stove … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Rudolph Garfield

Garfield, James Rudolph; ex-Secretary of the Interior; born, Hiram, O., Oct. 17, 1865; son of James Abram (20th President of the U. S.) and Lucretia Rudolph Garfield (q. v.); brother of Harry Augustus G. (q. v.) ; A. B., Williams College, 1885; studied Columbia Law School.; (LL. D., University of Pittsburg, 1909) ; married, Helen Newell, of Chicago, Dee. 30, 1890; admitted to bar, 1888; member Ohio Senate, 1896-1899; member U. S. Civil Service Commission, 1902-1903; commissioner of corporations, U. S. Dept. of Commerce and Labor, 1903-1907; Sec’y of the Interior in cabinet of President Roosevelt, March 4, 1907-March 4, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Henry Garlock

Garlock, William Henry; laundryman; born, North Greece, N. Y., Aug. 13, 1842; son of Elisha and Lucy Wilkinson Garlock; educated, common schools and Falley Seminary, Fulton, N. Y.; married, Fulton, N. Y., Florence Adell Ingell; Republican; spent seven winters teaching district school; engaged in men’s furnishing business 1873; started in the laundry business, 1880; pres. The Garlock-Frazee Laundry Co.; trustee Dorcas Invalid’s Home; Mason and Knight Templar. Recreation: Travel.

Biographical Sketch of Albert Z. Howe

Howe, Albert Z.; contract mgr.; born, Lockport, N. Y., Dec. 9, 1872; son of Albert E. and Olga C. Zallee Howe; educated, public schools, Buffalo, N. Y., and private tutor in mathematics, geometry, and trigonometry; married, St. Louis, Mo., July 31, 1897, Mary Frances Hogue; first business experience, at seven-teen years of age, was in surveying and civil engineering in Buffalo, N. Y., followed by several years of the same class of work in railroad construction in the West and Southwest; later chief draftsman for the St. Louis Water Department, six years, when the sedentary occupation compelled a change; came … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joel Haven Fuller

Fuller, Joel Haven; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 6, 1851; son of William and Catherine M. Haven Fuller; educated, common, graded and preparatory schools, Cleveland and Oberlin, O.; married, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 12, 1888, Lillian Beatty Turner; issue, one daughter, living and one son, deceased; Republican in National polities, Independent in State, County and Municipal; left school at 17, to take clerkship with C., C., C. & St. L. R. R. Co.; served several years then in County Auditor’s office, and later served thirteen years in office of the Standard Oil Co.; left their employment in 1890, to engage in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Benjamin S. Hubbell

Hubbell, Benjamin S.; architect; born, Leavenworth, Kas., July 11, 1867; educated, Cornell University, in senior year won scholarship in architecture, and was elected member of the Sigma XI, took degree in architecture in 1894; now practising under the name of Hubbell & Benes; firm was architect for Wade Memorial, Citizens Bldg., Cleveland School of Art, and other important structures; member Masons, Chamber of Commerce, American Institute of Architects and Colonial Club.

Biographical Sketch of James Richey Horner

Horner, James Richey; physician; born at Tarentum, Pa., June 7, 1861; son of Rev. Joseph and Caroline McCracken Horner; graduated, Pittsburg Central High School; M. D., Homeopathic Hospital College, Cleveland, 1883; M. D., New York Homeopathic Medical College, 1884; M. D., Western Reserve University, 1907; (hon. A. M., Allegheny College, Pa., 1885); resident surgeon Ward’s Island (N. Y.), Homeopathic Hospital, 1884; physician, 1885, and later staff obstetrician, Homeopathic Hospital, Pittsburg; general practice, Pittsburg and Allegheny, until 1896; abroad seven months, 1896; assistant to Hughlings Jackson, neurologist Queen’s Square Hospital, London; special study diseases of nervous system; asst. physician, staff of … Read more

Biography of Dudley Emerson Cornell, General

Gen. Dudley Emerson Cornell. The career of the late Gen. Dudley Emerson Cornell was one characterized by participation in various lines of endeavor and experiences of an interesting and extraordinary character; by faithful devotion to the duties and responsibilities of both peace and war; by success in business; and by a high type of citizenship that won to him the friendship and esteem of men in all walks of life. From 1866 until his death, in 1911, he was a resident of Kansas, and during this time was not only widely known in business circles as a man of sound … Read more

Biography of Samuel Wayne Mather

Mather, Samuel Wayne; manufacturer; born, Schuyler, N. Y., July 27, 1849; son of Asaph and Betsy Emily Davis Mather; limited education; his father was seriously injured when he was young, so could not go to school, after he was 11 years old; went to work to help support the family; worked three years in the woods burning charcoal; moved to Cattaraugus County, N. Y., with his parents and tor five years worked on his father’s farm; married, Frankville, N. Y., Sept. 6, 1887, Addie Viola Cooley; issue, five children, two living, Addie and William; his first wife died July 9, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. C. McWaters

McWaters, J. C.; insurance; born, Newtonville, Can., Sept. 17, 1853; son of John and Jean Copeland McWaters; common school education; married, July 9, 1878, Wolcott, N. Y., Florence E. Russell; issue, seven children, of which five are living; at the age of 20, came to Cleveland, and worked for Mabley & Hull, men’s clothing; later with E. R. Hull & Co.; then with E. R. Hull & Dutton, gen. mgr. ten years; went into business as senior partner of The McWaters-Dolan Co., now dissolved; interested in real estate; instrumental in securing street lights and well lighted stores; one of the … Read more