Biographical Sketch of William McKinley Duncan

Duncan, William McKinley; lawyer; born, Pittsburg, Pa., May 19, 1873; son of Andrew J. and Sarah McKinley Duncan; educated, public schools Pittsburgh, Pa., and Rayen High School, Youngstown, O., and Cornell University, Ithaca., N. Y.; married, Youngstown, O., Oct. 18, 1899, Viola Deetrick; issue, three sons; admitted to bar, October, 1894; associated with Squire, Sanders & Dempsey ever since; became member of firm, January, 1911; representing Eastern Trunk Railroad in the engineer arbitration; receiver of the Wheeling & Lake Erie R. R. Co.; member Union, Athletic, Mayfield and Hermit Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of B. M. Duncan

Duncan, B. M.; attorney; born, Millersburg, O., June 30, 1879; son of John and Isabel Jameson Duncan; educated, St. Laurence University and Ohio State University, law course; member of firm Howell, Roberts & Duncan; member Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Delta Phi (Law) and Phi Beta Kappa Fraternities.

Biographical Sketch of Harry Elmer Duff

Duff, Harry Elmer; manufacturer; born, Bloomington, Ill., July 23, 1873; son of Jos. G. and Mary Ellen Lowdon Duff; graduated from the University of Tennessee, in 1893, taking Bachelor of Arts degree; in 1902, graduated from the New York Law School, with the degree of Bachelor of Laws; in 1894, came to Ohio, and became identified in a manufacturing business, which a few years later was purchased by the American Sheet Tin Plate Co.; since that time, has been continuously associated with that corporation; local sales representative of the American Sheet & Tin Plate Co.; vice pres. Union Metal Mfg. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Ralph M. Drucker

Drucker, Ralph M.; business broker, born New York City, Jan. 11, 1876; son of Louis and Augusta Drucker; educated, Bronnell and Rockwell schools, Cleveland; married, Cleveland, 1900, Miss Carrie Reilly; director The Crooks-Whigam Co.; member The Cleveland Automobile and Automobile Country Clubs. Recreations: Motoring, Baseball and Golf.

Biographical Sketch of Edward A. Drake

Drake, Edward A.; born, Jamestown, N. Y.; Dec. 13, 1871; son of William D. and Ora Maria Wheeler Drake; B. S., Case School of Applied Science; married, Cleveland, O., Nov. 21, 1898, Georgia A. Adams; two children; 1895, started as a traveling representative for Drake & Weis Co.; now general mgr. of The Drake & Weis Co.; sec’y the W. D. Drake Co.; pres. The Colonial Investment Co.; member Phi Kappa Psi Fraternity and Presbyterian Church.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Nathan Doud

Doud, Arthur Nathan; civil engineer; born, New York, 1872; son of George C. and Martha Dunbar Doud; graduated High School, Winthrop, N. Y., class of 1895; took three years special engineering course at Clarkson Technical School, Potsdam, N. Y., finished there in 1900; married, Buffalo, N. Y., Sept. 14, 1901, Nellie M. Wilson; two daughters; followed surveying and engineering work in New York state for three years; then engaged on the hydro-electric development on the St. Lawrence River; for two years and nine months member of the engineering corps, War Dept., U. S. Army, as chief of field party on … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Michall F. Donovan

Donovan, Michall F.; manufacturer; born, Corning, N. Y., 1863; son of John and Mary Leary Donovan; educated, Corning, N. Y.; married, Auburn, N. Y., 1905, Margaret Holmes; learned the printer’s trade, starting when 14, and worked at it for eight years, working in large cities of New York State, Syracuse, Albany, Troy and New York City; became interested in the manufacture and sale of typewriting machines in 1885; in 1892, started the making of typewriter ribbons in Cleveland; later added the making of carbon papers; see’y and treas. The Buckeye Ribbon and Carbon Co.; member Cleveland Credit Men’s Ass’n

Biographical Sketch of James Donovan

Donovan, James; manufacturer; born, Corning, N. Y., Jan. 15, 1867; son of John and Mary Leary Donovan; educated, Parochial School, Corning, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, Nov. 23, 1903, Evelyn Berry; in 1884, entered the employ of “The Fair” Department Store in Corning, a few years later, removed to Auburn, N. Y., taking charge of a store in that city for the same company; 1894, came to Cleveland, and engaged in his present business of manufacturing typewriter ribbons and carbon papers; pres. The Buck-eye Ribbon and Carbon Co.; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of William George Dietz

Dietz, William George; investment banker; born, Warren, O., April 7, 1857; son of August A. and Katherine Baehr Dietz; educated public school and in the private school of Miss Sackett, in Warren; graduated Hiram College, 1881, Ph. B.; married, Solon, O., Nov. 18, 1885, Jessie B. Pettibone; one daughter, Marian; deputy auditor Trumbull County, 1867-1877; sec’y to Dr. B. A. Hinsdale, supt. of the Cleveland public Schools, from September, 1882, to February, 1886; was one of the first two teachers in the night schools of Cleveland; taught news boys; with Lamprecht Bros. & Co., bankers, 1886-1893; organized the firm of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Hermann Dercum

Dercum, Hermann; architect; born, Cleveland, Apr. 23, 1879; son of Otto and Augusta Raebel Dercum; educated, Cornell, 1902, B. S. (in architecture); 1903, M. S., (in architecture); married, Lakewood, Sept. 3, 1910, Carlotta Krause; one son, Max Dercum; member firm Dercum & Beer, architects; member Cleveland Chapter, American Institute of Architects, and Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Mattoon Monroe Curtis

Curtis, Mattoon Monroe; university prof.; born, Rome, N. Y., Oct. 19, 1858; son of William F. and Harriet E. (Royce) Curtis; A. B., Hamilton College, 1880; A. M., 1882; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1883; studied University of Leipzig, 1889-1891, Ph. D., 1890; married, Emily, daughter of William Few Chrystie, of Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., Oct. 23, 1884; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1883; pastor Hastings-on-Hudson, N. Y., 1883-1885; Beck-with Memorial Church, Cleveland, 1885-1888; prof. philosophy, Western Reserve University since 1891; supervisor of 13th Federal Census in Cuyahoga County, O., vice pres. Cleveland School of Art; member board managers, Western Reserve University; member American … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank Edward Cudell

Cudell, Frank Edward; architect; retired; born, Herzogenarth, Germany, May 11, 1844; studied architecture in Aix-La-Chapelle, Germany; came to New York in 1866; then came to Cleveland and has resided here since; four years employment by local architects; opened own office in 1871; at the end of a year, formed partnership with J. N. Richardson, firm name Cudell & Richardson; drew plans for the Perry Payne, Beckman, McBride Brothers, Jewish Orphan Asylum, Educational Alliance, Masonic Temple Buildings, and St. Joseph’s and St. Stephen’s Churches; in 1890, with-drew from the firm, because of ill health; in 1878, invented ball sewer gas trap, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Elmer Crofut

Crofut, William Elmer; wholesale rubber; born, Syracuse, N. Y., Sept. 5, 1874; son of Elmer Burr and Hattie A. Davis Crofut; educated in public and private schools of Syracuse and Syracuse University; married, Concord, N. H., Dec. 5, 1899, Ruth Paul; one son, William E., Jr., served in 141st N. Y., Spanish-American War; came to Cleveland, October, 1899, as manager of a mercantile agency; three years later engaged as sec’y and treas. Ohio Rubber Co., remaining with the firm until September, 1905, when he organized the Forest City Rubber Co., continuing as president-treasurer and gen. mgr. since; member Mayfield Country … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jay D. Fuller

Fuller, Jay D.; manufacturer; born, Alden, N. Y., Jan. 22, 1872; son of Spencer J. and Mary A. Smith Fuller; educated, Alden High School; married, Cleveland, June 4, 1896, Florence Helen Quayle; one daughter, Helen; with the Haserot Canneries Co. fifteen years; established The Fuller Canneries Co. in March, 1904; pres. of the company; in November, 1912, became identified with The Weideman Co., Canned Foods and Mnfg. Dept.; Mason; member Union and Athletic Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Horace Arthur Fuller

Fuller, Horace Arthur; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Sept. 23, 1864; son of Samuel Augustus and Julia Clark Fuller; educated, Cleveland public schools, and one year Western Reserve University; married, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 14, 1886, Alice Tenney Ingersoll; issue, Antionette F., Pierrong and Marian Fuller; began business in January, 1883, with Condit, Fuller & Co.; this was a partnership; about two years later, entered the employ of The Union Rolling Mill Co.; in 1888, as asst. sec’y, in 1891, elected treas. and gen. mngr., and pres. in 1911; vice pres. of The Bourne-Fuller Co. in 1891; pres. since January, 1912; pres. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edward S. Ford

Ford, Edward S.; electric business; born, New York State, Oct. 8, 1863; son of George A. and Martha Lauretta Tracy Ford; educated, public and high schools of Cleveland; business course Spencerian Business College; married, Cleveland, 1893, Caroline Prentiss Smith; one daughter, Florence Prentiss Ford; came to Cleveland in 1872; at the age of 16, went to work for W. P. Southworth, as clerk; promoted to chief entry clerk, and was there five years; at 21, became associated with Everett-Weddell Banking Co., as discount teller, where he remained six years, then with law and collection department of R. G. Dunn & … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lance G. Finlay

Finlay, Lance G.; sales engineer; born at sea, Nov. 16, 1875; son of George Finlay, fleet paymaster, R. N., and Emma M. Williams Finlay; educated, public schools, School of Science, University of Glasgow; married in New York; was engaged for a number of years in the sugar industry, building several plants in Trinidad, Cuba, and other sugar-producing countries; then asst. sales mngr. for De Ha Vergne Machine Co. of New York City; also in consulting practice; came to Cleveland in 1907, and engaged in business for himself, in high-grade machinery and equipment; district mngr. The Terry Steam Turbine Co., Providence … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gottlob Fetzer

Fetzer, Gottlob; clergyman, editor; born at Cleveland, July 30, 1861; son of Andrew and Mary A. Fetzer: educated, German-American Academy, Rochester, N. Y.; graduated Rochester TheoIogical Seminary, 1889; married, Bertha L. Huselhuhn, of Cleveland, Nov. 28, 1889; ordained German Baptist minister, 1889; pastor Erin Avenue Church, Cleveland, 1889-1890: Berlin, Ont., 1890-1897; Second Church, New York, 1897-1901; editor of German Baptist periodicals and literature, since 1901.

Biographical Sketch of Oliver Farrar Emerson

Emerson, Oliver Farrar; university professor; born, Traer, Ia., May 24, 1860; son of Oliver and Maria Farrar Emerson; A. B., Iowa College, 1882, A. M., 1885; Ph. D., Cornell University, 1891; married, Annie L. Logan, of St. Louis, Sept. 24, 1891; supt. schools, Grinnell, Ia., 1882-1884, Muscatine, Ia., 1884-1885; prin. Academy of Iowa College, 1885-1888; Goldwin Smith fellow in English, 1888-1889, instru. in English, 1889-1891; asst. prof. rhetoric and English philology, 1892-1896, Cornell University; prof. English, Western Reserve University, since 1896; member Modern Language Ass’n America, American Dialect Society (pres., 1905). Author: History of the English Language, 1894; A Brief … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William F. Eirick

Eirick, William F.; born, Albany, N. Y., May 12, 1872; educated in the Albany and New York City public schools; with an export commission house, Wall St., N. Y., for several years; came to Cleveland in 1890, and entered the live stock business; commissioner of Cuyahoga county in 1903, youngest man ever elected to this position in the county; member Union, League, P. B. O. E., No. 18; treas. F. O. E , No. 125, 1902-1903; Republican; member Lutheran Church.