Biographical Sketch of Russell Emmett Burdick

Burdick, Russell Emmett; merchant; born, Alfred, N. Y., May 28, 1848; son of Russell W. and Malvina A. (Middaugh) Burdick; educated, Alfred University; married, Ashland County, O., May 24, 1874, Mary H. McCutchen; two daughters and one son; captain commanding Troop A, O. N. G., 1895; capt. 1st Ohio Vol. Cavalry, war with Spain, 1898; aid-de-camp to Gen. Horace Porter, 1897; to Gen. G. M. Dodge, 1897; to Gen. J. F. Bell, 1909; pres. and treas. the Bowler & Burdick Co., jewelers; established, 1873.

Biographical Sketch of Thomas Winston Burnham

Burnham, Thomas Winston; mfr. and banker; born, Cleveland, Jan. 22, 1844; son of Thomas and Maria Louisa White Burnham; educated, Cleveland public schools and Union University of Schenectady, N. Y.; degree of A. B.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 6, 1869; Mary Kate Coll; two daughters, Mrs. G. W. Grandin and Mrs. J. P. Burton; pres. The Star Elevator Co. and The Kilby Mfg. Co.; director and chairman of the Board National City Bank; director The Cleveland Burial Case Co., Cleveland Union Stock Yards Co., Citizens’ Savings & Trust Co. and F. H. Hill & Co., Chicago; member Union, University, Country, Roadside … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Vernon H. Burke

Burke, Vernon H.; attorney-at-law; born, Saybrook, O., Dec. 22, 1865; son of John F. and Minerva C. Stewart Burke; educated, Canisius College, Buffalo, N. Y., Stratton’s Business College, The University of Notre Dame; B. A., C. E., LL. B. degrees; married, Cleveland, Dec. 21, 1892, Matilda B. Hahn; one son, Vernon A. Burke, Jr.; Republican; served on police bench by appointment; senator from Cuyahoga county, 1896-1900; vice chairman Cuyahoga County Republican Committee; has been a trial lawyer; pres. James F. Allen Contracting Co., Cleveland Smelting Co., Idle-wild Co.; sec’y Guest & Buell Co., Fleishman & Smith Co.; director The Cleveland … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Thomas A. Burke

Burke, Thomas A.; surgeon; born, Cleveland, April 18, 1864; son of Thomas A. and Ellen Shannon Burke; A. B., Canisius College, 1885; A. M., same college, 1892; Western Reserve Medical College, 1888; married, Cleveland, 1892, Lillian G. McNeil; three children; after graduating in medicine, received appointment as house surgeon at City Hospital; later assistant to supt. Cleveland State Hospital; 1890, appointed visiting physician to St. Alexis Hospital, and later to same position Charity Hospital; 1902, elected coroner Cuyahoga county; re-elected 1906 U. S. pension examiner in President Cleveland’s administration; has made three trips abroad to study in London and Vienna … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Gus A. Bentz

Bentz, Gus A.; merchant tailor; born, Dayton, O.; son of Adolph and Sophia Bentz; educated, common schools, high school and book keeping course; course at Sartorial Art School, New York City; married, 1899, Fannie Levi; member Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Warren Bicknell

Bicknell, Warren; pres. Cleveland Construction Co.; born, Morrisville, N. Y., Feb. 19, 1868; son of Charles T. and Susan Payne Bicknell, educated, public schools of Morrisville, N. Y., and Massillon, O.; graduated from Adelbert College in 1890; married, St. Paul, Minn., February, 1900; issue, Frances Louise born, November, 1900, Warren, Jr., born, 1902, and Elizabeth, – born, – February, 1904; business career, for a time studied law in. the office of Boynton, Hale & Herr; a year and half sec’y Cleveland Athletic Club; one year in the coal business in New Castle, Pa.; sold. interests there and became auditor of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Walter A. Bellchambers

Bellchambers, Walter A.; hairdresser; born, New York City, Jan. 18, 1874; son of Robert F. and Ellen Shugg Bellchambers; educated, New York City public schools; two years at Nazareth, Pa., Military School; married, Cleveland, June 21, 1804, Maud L. Weaver; one son, F. Walter Bellchambers; came to Cleveland in 1892; in 1893, bought the business of Geo. Greenfield, which was established in 1854; Mason, Brooklyn, No. 454, F. & A. M., Hellman Chapter, No. 166.

Biographical Sketch of Arthur Wellesley Barber

Barber, Arthur Wellesley; attorney-at-law; born, Berea, O., Nov. 7, 1858; son of Gershorm Morse and Huldah Lavine Seeley Barber; educated, Western Reserve University, 1883, A. B. and A. M.; 1886, Columbia Law School; married, Lakewood, Dec. 22, 1896, Harriet May Wagar; four children; admitted to the Bar in 1885; member firm of Tanney & Barber and G. M. & A. W. Barber, 1885-1902; member Alpha Delta Phi Fraternity, Hudson Chapter, and Sons of Veterans.

Biographical Sketch of James Welch Frazier

Frazier, James Welch; consulting engineer; born, Pittsburgh, Pa., July 4, 1870; son of George G. and Sadie B. Smith Frazier; educated, Grammar and High School, Allegheny, Pa.; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; graduated, 1894, degree of Civil Engineer; married, Troy, N. Y., 1895, Jennie H. Van Deusen; two daughters, Ruth and Helen; chief engineer Federal St. & Pleasant Valley R. R., Pittsburg, 1894-1896; asst. engineer Pennsylvania Co., in office of chief engineer, 1896-1899; engineer Brown Hoisting Mchy. Co., 1899-1905; member of firm Frazier & Fox, 1905-1910; pres. The J. W. Frazier Co., 1910, to date; member of board of consulting engineers in … Read more

Biographical Sketch of E. Miller France

France, E. Miller; insurance; born, Philadelphia, Pa., Jan. 30, 1866; son of A. J. and Annie Ainsworth France; educated, Philadelphia public schools, and Pierce School; after entering business, took full course in telegraphy and shorthand at night school; married, Roslyn, Long Island, July 7, 1891, Alice H. Leys; one son, Leys, and one daughter, Helen; from 18 to 42, was telegraph operator New York Division of The Pennsylvania R. R.; three years stenographer and private sec’y, four years as see’y and treas. the Standard Wheel Co. (the Vehicle Wheel Trust), of Indiana; 1897, entered the life insurance business, spending two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert James Frackleton

Frackleton, Robert James; manufacturer; born, Chandlorville, Ill., 1868; educated, Illinois College, Jacksonville, B. S.; married, New York City, 1907, Constance Louise Chandler; en-gaged in banking for six years and manufacturing for eighteen years; pres. The Chandler & Price C.; director Frackleton State Bank; director The Reliance Gauge Column Co.; director The Cleveland Folding Machine Co.; member the Union, University, and East End Tennis Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Roger C. Enwright

Enwright, Roger C.; broker; born, Bellevue, O., and educated in the public schools, formerly connected with the McIntosh-Huntington Co., wholesale hardware as treas. and credit man; after several years spent in New York City and Reading, Pa., as manufacturer’s agents, returned to Cleveland, in 1900, and engaged in the brokerage business with Borton & Borton; member Cleveland Stock Exchange and member Board of Governors; Chamber of Commerce, Euclid, Century, and Hermit Clubs; Republican.

Biographical Sketch of Virgil P. English

English, Virgil P.; physician; born, Salem county, N. J., Jan. 8, 1858; son of Enos P. and Mary Finlaw English; public school education; admitted to Kansas bar, 1883; graduated Phrenol. Institute, New York, 1886; M. D., Homeopathic Hospital Medical College, Cleveland, O., 1892; married, Minnie Ghent of Frankfort, Ind., March 5, 1891; taught school for several years; practiced law a short time; traveled from New York to Los Angeles, lecturing on phrenology, hygiene, etc., 1886-1892; in practice as specialist, nervous diseases and diseases of women, since 1892, propr. Ohio State Pub. Co., Power & Poise Pub. Co.; editor Power and Poise … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Clement Connelly

Connelly, William Clement; mfr.; born, Cleveland, 1875; son of Daniel and Kate Laughlin Connelly; education, St. Ignatius College and Case School of Applied Science; married, Buffalo, Nov. 12, 1907, Mary C. Schaefer; issue, Daniel, born April 6, 1909; on leaving college, entered employ of his father, who had been established as a boiler manufacturer in Cleveland since 1875; business incorporated in 1905, and taken into firm as secretary and treasurer; elected president of the D. Connelly Boiler Co., on death of father, in 1911; member Chamber of Commerce and Cleveland Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Mason Comstock

Comstock, Frank Mason; college prof.; born, LeRoy, N. Y., May 20, 1855; son of Samuel Frances and Mary Mason Turner Comstock; A. B., C. E., Union College, 1876; A. M., 1879; Ph. D., 1891; married, Louise Brown, of LeRoy, N. Y., June 29, 1882; on New York Adirondack survey, 1876 principal LeRoy Academic Institution, 1879-1891; prof. natural history and descriptive geometry, Case School of Applied Science, since 1891; member American Forestry Ass’n, Canadian Forestry Ass’n, National Geological Society, etc. Contributor to technical periodicals.

Biographical Sketch of George P. Comey

Comey, George P.; manufacturer; born, Brooklyn, N. Y., April 21, 1858; son of George P. and Clara Dean Comey; educated, Brooklyn Polytechnic Institute and Connecticut Literary Institute, at Suffield, Conn.; married, Hinsdale, Mass., June 29, 1881, Miss Nannie J. Gill; issue, seven children, Clara M., Florence L., George Lawrence, Frederick Harlan, Ralph, Harold and Robert; business career with his father and uncle in New York City, in the manufacture of ladies’ hats and straw goods for two years, came to Cleveland in 1880, and engaged in the same business with J. G. Pettee & Co.; after three years bought Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Alfred Clum

Clum, Alfred; lawyer; born, Staten Island, Sept. 26, 1863; son of William and Elizabeth A. VanDusen Clum; educated, public schools, Washington, D. C., Law School, Columbian University, of Washington, D. C., now The George Washington University, of Washington, D. C., LL. B. at graduation and LL. M. at post graduate course; married, Washington, D. C., June 2, 1886, Lizzie W. Bohrer; three children; atty. for Village of East Cleveland, from May 1, 1901, to Dec. 31, 1909; solicitor for City of East Cleveland, from Jan. 1, 1912, to Dec. 31, 1913; began Law practice in Cleveland, April, 1890, and still … Read more

Biographical Sketch of David Lee Caulkins

Caulkins, David Lee; insurance; born, Poughkeepsie, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1869; son of John Guernsey and Nancy Lee Caulkins; educated at the University of Chattanooga; married, Ludlow, Ky., May 29, 1893, Dora Leota Hoover; one son, Robert Sharp Caulkins, born Oct. 23, 1897; district chief railway mail service, Louisville & Cincinnati, for seven years; prior to coming to Cleveland, in 1905, general agt. for Northeastern Ohio for The Connecticut Mutual Life Insurance Co.; since 1905, trustee City Rescue Mission; elder Calvary Presbyterian Church; member Chamber of Commerce.

Biographical Sketch of Frank B. Carpenter

Carpenter, Frank B.; atty. and general counsel The N. Y., C.& St. L. R. R. Co.; born, Oberlin, O., July 17, 1866; son of John D. and Charity G. Lester Carpenter; educated, Oberlin College, A. B., 1888, and Columbia Law School; married, Morrison, Ill., June 3, 1890, Edna Woods; one daughter, Florence, and two sons, John and Edward; 1901 to 1912, assistant general counsel for The N. Y., C. & St. L. Ry. Co.; in 1912, appointed general counsel for the same road; administrator and trustee of the estate of W. J. Gordon, since 1903, succeeding Hon. Samuel E. Williamson, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Wilbur Dunham

Dunham, Wilbur; real estate development; born, Columbus, O., Jan. 30, 1885; son of John M. and T. Anna Cross Dunham; educated, Taft School, Watertown, Conn.; Andover Academy, Andover, Mass.; Yale University, New Haven, Conn.; married, Columbus, O., Oct. 17, 1906, Marian M. Hobart: two daughters, Ann Elizabeth, born 1909, and Aileen, born 1913; real estate allotment and building development business since leaving college in 1904, in Columbus, O., and New York City, and Cleveland since. 1912; pres. The Wilbur Dunham Co., The Continental Realty Co; director The House Building & Investment Co.; member Delta Phi Fraternity, Yale and P. A. … Read more