Biographical Sketch of Egbert Nelson Fairchild

Fairchild, Egbert Nelson; flour mfgr.; born, Peekskill, N. Y., Sept. 28, 1868; son of Egbert Henry and Mary Seymour Fairchild; public school education; married, Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 4, 1893, Gertrude A. Kenny; two daughters Catherine and Mary; in flour milling business twenty-seven years; becoming pres. of the Cleveland Milling Co. in 1910; before that mgr. Pittsburgh Flour Co., Minneapolis; member Cleveland Athletic and Euclid Golf Clubs.

Biography of Martin B. Daly

Daly, Martin B.; born, May 11, 1860, and his early life was spent on a farm with his parents near Mayville, N. Y.; his grand-parents on both sides were born in Ireland; he received his education in public schools at Mayville, and in 1878, left home and went to the Bradford oil fields in Pennsylvania, and for three years worked in various capacities on leases, drilling wells, pipe lines and pump stations in the Bradford and Richburg field; in 1881, he was engaged as assistant superintendent of the Warren County (Pennsylvania) Gas Fuel and Heating Company, controlled at that time … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank M. Drew

Drew, Frank M.; mgr. Star Theater; born, New York City, June 30, 1852; son of Frank N. and Louisa M. Drew; educated, public schools, Philadelphia, Pa.; Military Academy at Village Green, Pa.; married, 1885, Blanche C. Collard, of Wyandotte, Mich.; issue, six children; actor for two years, following the profession in New York City; sixteen years in the circus business; conducted museums in Providence, Columbus, Cleveland and Indianapolis; in 1883, built the Cleveland Theater and became connected with Mr. Campbell in conducting playhouses in various places; leased Colonial theater in Cleveland and subject to Ray F. Comstock; member Elks and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Edmund E. Allyne

Allyne, Edmund E.; manufacturer; born, Cleveland, Dec. 25, 1874; son of Joseph and Anna Allyne; common school education; married, Cleveland May 14, 1902, Mildred Ford; issue, Mildred Vernon, born Aug. 23, 1903, Rollin Ford, born May 12, 1905, and Stanley Rodman, born Jan. 24, 1913; served five years Co. K, 5th Inft., O. N. G., 1893 to 1898; started in Jan., 1900, what has grown to be the largest aluminum foundry business in the world with plants in six states. He was the pioneer in the manufacture of aluminum castings, making commercially first casting in 1908. This metal did not … Read more

Biography of Orrin Elliott Walker

Orrin Elliott Walker. A definite and conspicuous place should be given the name of Orrin Elliott Walker on the list of men of Kansas who have not alone helped their own great state to grow but who have also been factors in the movements which have assisted in the development of other commonwealths. Coming to Kansas in 1879 and to Topeka in 1887, Mr. Walker left the Sunflower state in 1893, when he went to officiate in the opening of the Cherokee Strip, in Oklahoma, and in the community he made his home until 1898, when he returned to Topeka, … Read more

Biography of George W. Southern

George W. Southern has been a resident of Manhattan over thirty years and is one of the prominent business men of that city. He is the type of man who never waits for opportunity but goes out and finds it. Everything he has undertaken he has done well, and therefore stands deservedly high in the esteem of his many old-time acquaintances and friends in Riley County. A native of the City of New York, where he was born March 16, 1866, he is a son of James and Louise (Bridger) Southern. His father was a native of England and of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Frank F. Bruce

Bruce, Frank F.; jobber and mfr.; born, Cleveland, July 4, 1858; son of Eli and Caroline Eldridge Bruce; educated, Western Reserve University (Hudson, O.), 1881; married, Oxford, N. Y., Sept. 9, 1890, Sarah V. W. Perkins; one son and one daughter; pres. and treas. The Bruce & West Mfg. Co.; member of vestry, St. Paul’s P. E. Church; member of Troop A seven years.

Biographical Sketch of Frank Billings

Billings, Frank; merchant; born, Hastings, N. Y., Sept. 275, 1853; son of George Whitfield and Elizabeth Ann Warren Billings; married, Cleveland, April 18, 1895, Elizabeth Tod; pres. The Tod Stambaugh Co.; vice pres. The Billings Chapin Co.; director Bank of Commerce, Superior Savings & Trust Co., Guardian Savings Trust Co., and National Refining Co.; trustee Lakeside Hospital, Hiram House, and Babies’ Dispensary; member Union, Country, Mayfield Country and Chagrin Valley Hunt Clubs.

Biographical Sketch of Eaton Alfred Bishop

Bishop, Eaton Alfred; building contractor; born, Adams, N. Y., Dec. 6, 1868; son of Aaron Brown and Ellen Crum Bishop; educated, A. C. I., Adams, N. Y., 1882-85, Rochester Business University, 1885-6, Boston Tech., 1886-1890; construction engineer and architect; married, Sheldon, La., June 25, 1892, Fannie C. Pynchron; one daughter, Eva Bishop; member A. O. U. W.; charter member No. 311, Iowa, B. of A. Y.; charter member No. 232. Recreation: Fishing.

Biographical Sketch of Leon Brooks Bacon

Bacon, Leon Brooks; lawyer; born, Taberg, Oneida County, N. Y., July 24, 1870; son of Sidney Brooks and Esther D. (Munger) Bacon; grandson of Rufus Bacon, graduate of Harvard College, 1810, and Ann Tucker (Dalton) Bacon, of Boston, Mass.; B. A., Williams College, 1893; LL. B., Syracuse University, 1899, admitted to the bar in New York, 1898, and in Ohio, 1903; Publishers Weekly office 1894-1895, in business London, England, 1895-1896; married at Philadelphia, Pa., July 24, 1900, Anna Osborne Anthony, niece of Susan B. Anthony; children, Harriet Anthony, Ann Dalton and Susan Anthony; compiled History of Descendants of Michael Bacon … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Henry Eldridge Bourne

Bourne, Henry Eldridge; college professor; born, E. Hamburg, N. Y., April 13, 1862; son of James R. and Isabella G. Staples Bourne; A. B., Yale University, 1883, B. D. 1887 (Hooker fellow, 1887-1888); (L. H. D., Marietta College, Ohio, 1910); married; associate editor The Congregationalist, Boston, 1888-1889; teacher history and psychology, Norwich (Conn.), Free Academy, 1889-1892; prof. history, since 1892; registrar, 1893-1901; College for Women, Western Reserve University. Author: The Teaching of History and Civics, 1902; Medieval and Modern History, 1905. Editor: Lecky’s French Revolution, 1904. Contributor to reviews.

Biographical Sketch of Edgar Elliotte Adams

Adams, Edgar Elliotte; general supt. Cleveland Hardware Co.; born, Cleveland, Dee. 2, 1871; son of Edgar and Mary Jane Elliotte Adams; educated in Cleveland public schools; married, Wellsville, N. Y., Oct. 25, 1914, Elizabeth Carlton; two daughters; first employment in father’s art store on Euclid avenue; time-keeper for Cleveland Hardware Co., eventually working up to position of general supt.; director and member of executive committee Cleveland Hardware Co.; member Chamber of Commerce, National Civic Federation of New York; trustee and member executive committee of Legal Aid Society; trustee and member executive committee Hiram House Social Settlement.

Biographical Sketch of James Broggini

Broggini, James; granite carver; born, Brenno, Italy, June 9, 1850; son of John and Lucia Paretti Broggini; public school education; married, New York, May 10, 1879, Maria Comolli; at the age of 9 years went to work in Italy; came to this country in 1871; worked for the United States Government 8 years and then came to Cleveland and started in his present business; has been in the same location for 33 years.

Biographical Sketch of Gardner Abbott

Abbott, Gardner; attorney; born, Cincinnati, O., Dec. 11, 1878; son of Willard and Caroline Powers Younglove Abbott; educated Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.; Yale University, A. B.; Columbia Law School, LL. B.; married, Cleveland, Oct. 16, 1912, Lois A. Allen; member Cleveland Board of Health, 1912; Troop A, 1st Sergt.; entered the office of Blandin, Rice and Ginn, 1905; started business for himself in 1909; vice pres. Bates Valve Bag Co.; pres. Abbott Realty Co.; sec’y Babies’ Dispensary and Hospital and Cleveland Music School Settlement; member Andover P. A. E.; Alpha Delta Phi; Wolf’s Head; Columbia Phi Delta Phi; director Union … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Judge William E. Ambler

Ambler, Judge William E.; real estate; born, Medina, O., 1845; son of Chester C. and Margaret Eglin Ambler; educated, Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Mich.; A. M., Albion College, Albion, Mich.; B. S., Adrian College, Adrian, Mich.; A. M., Albany Law School, Albany, N. Y., LL. B.; married, Lyons, Mich., Dee. 25, 1871, Flora E. Lewis; issue, four children, Jay C., Angell A., William and Marguerite Faye; Judge of the Probate Court of Oceana Co., Mich.; state senator eight years, from Mich.; Pres. Pro. Tem. of the Senate; member of judiciary committee; chairman of committee of appiopdis and finances; have practiced law … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jonathan Clayton Forman

Forman, Jonathan Clayton; printer; born, Gorham county, New York, Sept. 11, 1830; son of Samuel W. Forman; educated in the public schools of Warren, O.; married, Cleveland, June, 1853, Miss Elizabeth Darroch; issue, two sons, both deceased; Mrs. Forman died in 1896; at the age of 13 years entered the employ of the Western Reserve Chronicle, as roller boy; apprenticed to Tait & Walling, publishers, of the Liberty Herald; after a year, the plant was destroyed by fire, and the company moved to Cleveland, consolidating The Herald with The True American; secured a position with Sanford & Hayward, the largest … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William George Callow

Callow, William George; merchant; born, Hudson, O., Nov. 23, 1862; father’s name, Frank Callow; educated, Cleveland public schools; married, New York City, Dec. 25, 1900, Alice M. Burns; pres. and treas. The Kennedy Co.; sec’y and treas. The Euclid Huron Improvement Co.; member Athletic Club.

Biographical Sketch of Frederick Henry Caley

Caley, Frederick Henry; sec’y Cleveland Automobile Club; born, Hudson, June 2, 1873; sou of Frederick P. and Clara S. Palmer Caley; educated, public and high school and Ohio Northern University, Ada, O.; married, New York, Nov 27, 1913, Harriet E. Weffler; 1st Lieut. 4th Ohio Infantry, 1902-1910; active Republican; with National Republican committee two campaigns; State Insurance Dept., 1903-1906; office sec’y of State, 1906-1908; Ohio State Registrar of Automobiles, 1908-1911; has been successful in organizing automobile clubs throughout Ohio; mgr. The Cleveland Automobile Show Co.; member Y. M. C. A., Akron Lodge, No. 547 I. O. O. F., Akron-Canton, two … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Starr Cadwallader

Cadwallader, Starr; settlement worker; born, Howard, N. Y., June 11, 1869; son of Joseph Shepard and Anne E. (Starr) Cadwallader; A.. B., Hamilton College, 1893, A. M., 1896; graduate Union Theological Seminary, 1896; married Harriet E. Gomph, of Utica, N. Y., July 30, 1896; was engaged in Y. M. C. A. work, 1887, 1888 and 1890; teacher in private schools, 1892-1895; ordained Presbyterian ministry, 1896; head worker Goodrich Social Settlement, Cleveland, 1896-1903 (trustee since 1903, sec’y since 1906); school director of Cleveland, 1902-1905; sec’y board of trustees, Cleveland School of Art, 1905-1908; supt. of sanitation, 1908-1910; pres. Social Service Club; … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George Humphrey Burrows

Burrows, George Humphrey; lawyer; born, Wakeman, O., May 18, 1863; son of Asa W. and Nancy Ann Humphrey Burrows; educated in Cleveland public schools and Riverside Seminary, Wellsville, N. Y.; married, Cleveland, April 5, 1885, Ida Bell Folliett; issue, Ethel Ida, G. Howard; sec’y Cleveland Coal Exchange, 1885-1886; sec’y Merchant’s and Manufacturer’s Exchange, 1887-1897; practiced law from 1893; sec’y and gen’l mgr. Cleveland Farm Development Co.; sec’y and director Chagrin River Land & Investment Co.; pres. and director the Geo. H. Burrows Development Co.; member firm of Burrows, Kraus & McMasters.