Biography of David O. Crane

David O. Crane. Of the men who have served Topeka in official capacities of importance and responsibility, few have won more fairly a reputation for fidelity than has David O. Crane, since 1884 superintendent of the Topeka Cemetery. In the thirty-two years that he has been the incumbent of this office he has labored efficiently and conscientiously to discharge its duties in a reverent and honorable way, and the mere fact that he has held his office during such a long period should be sufficient evidence of the quality of his ability and the worth of his service. Mr. Crane … Read more

Biography of Arthur Bourne Smith Ph. B., B. L. S.

Arthur Bourne Smith, Ph. B., B. L. S. The degree following Mr. Smith’s name means Bachelor of Library Science. He is librarian for the Kansas State Agricultural College at Manhattan. That position he has held since 1911 and is a librarian of wide experience and has done much to make the library at Manhattan accessible and useful not only to the students of the Agricultural College but to all who use it for reference purposes. Mr. Smith was born at Elizabeth City, North Carolina, August 2, 1873. He is a son of Charles Wesley Smith, now deceased, and Hester (Bourne) … Read more

Biography of William Henry Wilson

William Henry Wilson is one of the oldest of Topeka’s merchants. He is an honored veteran of the Civil war, and has been a resident of Topeka since December 17, 1877. Along with success in business he has given his time unselfishly and conscientiously to the betterment of his city, and he should be long remembered for his efficient service while on the city school board. He has also attained the highest honors in Masonry. His parents, Orrin and Sarah T. (Wilson) Wilson, had six children named Helen Jane, William Henry, George W., Clarence E., Mary E. and Louise. William … Read more

Biography of Phillip Brown

Phillip Brown. Like many other men of Eastern Kansas who are now possessed of independent means and hold well-established positions in their various communities, Phillip Brown was in modest eireumstances when he first came to this state. At that time, in 1879, he had been in the United States for nine years, but had not made any appreciable advancement, owing to the fact that his operations had been conducted in a community where it was necessary that a man be possessed of large capital in order to compete with his fellows. In Kansas, however, he found a field in which … Read more

Biography of Henry Peck

The first settler of the city of Malad was Henry Peck, who, in the year 1864, came to Oneida county and established his home upon the present site of the county seat. For many years he was prominently identified with the development and progress of the county, and his name is inseparably associated with the advancement, which has wrought a great transformation here, making the once wild region a fertile section of fine farms and pleasant homes. Mr. Peck was born in Greene County, New York, February 26, 1823, and was a representative of one of the old families of … Read more

Biography of Clayton A. Hoover, M. D.

It is a noteworthy fact that, wherever his lot may be cast, the up-to-date physician is a successful man also outside of his profession, and becomes a leader in the affairs of his town. This has been proven true many times, and the career of Dr. Clayton A. Hoover, of Montpelier, Idaho, is another conspicuous testimony to the same effect. Dr. Hoover located at Montpelier in 1882 and is the pioneer regular practicing physician of southeast Idaho. He is a native of Washington, D. C, and was born February 25, 1853, a son of William and Elizabeth (Hough) Hoover. In … Read more

Biography of Hon. John L. Underwood

Hon. John L. Underwood, postmaster at Montpelier, Idaho, successful businessman, prominent citizen, veteran of the civil war and influential Republican, is widely and favorably known throughout the state. He was born in Broome County, New York, January 15, 1832, of parents who traced their ancestry to good English families. Jonas Underwood, his grandfather, was a native of Fishkill, New York, and held a commission in the Revolutionary army. He died at Deposit, New York, in his eightieth year. His wife, who was of the New York family of Pine, survived him only a few days. Philip Underwood, son of Jonas … Read more

Biography of Henry G. Weston

The number of veterans of the Mexican war is fast diminishing, as one by one they respond to the roll call above, but some are still left to tell the tale of how the gallant sons of the nation marched into the land of Montezuma and won victory after victory over the opposing forces. Among this number is Henry G. Weston, who with an Iowa regiment marched to the front. Since that time he has seen the nation engaged in two other conflicts in which liberty, freedom and the right have again triumphed and through which the powers of the … Read more

Biography of William Chester

The substantial rewards that come to the able and upright man as the result of well-doing, small as they may be in comparison with the fortunes and apparent honors won by questionable methods, bring With them a sense of satisfaction to which the sharp financier and the corrupt politician live and die as strangers. A man who wisely and honestly adjudicated the small misunderstandings of his fellow citizens for sixteen years, and who has the respect of all those for or against whom he has decided, as has Justice Chester, of Soda Springs, Idaho, has a greater reward than the … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. Winsor

M. Winsor editor Mankato Review, has been one of the most prominent men in the county. He was born in Chautauqua County, N. Y., and March 20, 1840. He received only a common school education, yet a thorough one. He removed when eighteen to Illinois with his parents, and when twenty, went alone to Colorado, where he joined the First Colorado Cavalry in 1863, remaining in active service to the close of the war. His regiment was at the battle of Apache Canyon, New Mexico, when the Texan Rangers were defeated and four million dollars worth of Government property was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of W. E. Bush

W. E. Bush, editor, was born at Beaver Dam, Mass., February 9, 1854. His parents soon after his birth removed to New York State, where the subject of this notice received a good common-school education. He at first followed farming for a livelihood, but soon abandoned that occupation and adopted the profession of teaching with marked success in New York State and Otoe County, Nebraska. In 1880 he purchased the Burr Oak Reveille, which he is conducting in a manner highly satisfactory to its patrons.

Biographical Sketch of L. M. Butts

L. M. Butts was born in Delaware County, N. Y., February 21, 1843; removed to McHenry County, Ill., in 1852, where he lived until the beginning of the war, when he enlisted September, 1861, in the Eighth Illinois Cavalry, taking an active part in nearly every battle in the Army of the Potomac, and was honorably discharged in October, 1864. In the spring of 1871 he located in Jewell County, Kan., taking a quarter-section of land under the homestead act, and at the general election that fall was elected to the office County Treasurer, which office he held two years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Burns

John Burns, County Treasurer, was born in Delaware County, N. Y., and September 4, 1831. Removed to Iowa, then returned to New York; soon after again moved, this time to Jewell County, Kan., in 1872. Was elected County Treasurer in 1873 and re-elected in 1875, and again elected in 1879, and still holds the office. Is a member of the Masonic fraternity? Was married in Delaware, N. Y. in July, 1864, to Miss Jane Love, and is the father of two children – Edgar A. and Lulu.

Biographical Sketch of F. L. Pound

F. L. Pound. Merchant, Ionia, was born in Wayne County, N. Y., May 15, 1844. Removed to La Salle County, Ill., in 1860. Enlisted in Company G, One Hundred and Fourth Illinois Volunteer Infantry in August, 1862; was discharged in June, 1865, when he returned to Odell, Ill. He came to Jewell County, Kan, in 1870, and took a homestead nine miles from Mankato. Is now doing business in Ionia, in same county in a room 34×50 feet, two stories high, built in 1882. Held office of Justice of the Peace and Notary Public. Is a member of the Odd … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Reede

George W. Reede was born in Madison County, N. Y., and January 28, 1857. Received an academic education and graduated at the Albany (N. Y.) law school. Practiced his profession for a short time in his native State, removing to Salem, Kansas, in 1880, and in 1882 joined Mr. Moore in the publication of the Chronicle.

Biographical Sketch of C. C. King

C. C. King, farmer and stock dealer, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Springwater, N. Y., and July 9, 1838; removed to Iowa in 1855; thence to Nebraska in 1860. At the breaking out of the war he enlisted as private in Company F, Fifteenth Iowa Infantry. Was discharged in September 1862, for disability. Re-enlisted in March, 1863, in Company M, Second Nebraska Cavalry, to serve nine months; discharged in December following, and returned to his farm in Nebraska. He was married March 20, 1864, to Miss Lucinda J. Horner. Again he entered the army, August 15, as Sergeant … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Col. E. Barker

Col. E. Barker, farmer, P. O. Jewell City, was born in Maine, August 12, 1816; removed to Manhattan in Riley County, Kan.; thence to Jewell County in 1870, and is now the owner of 100 acres of land, well improved, with a fine house, the same being situated adjoining the town of Jewell City. The colonel was in the special service of the United States army for over four years; was Colonel of the Third Regiment, Second Brigade of Sixth Division of the Maine State Militia for over seventeen years. Has held office of Deputy Sheriff in Oxford County, Minn., … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Dr. J. E. Hawley

Dr. J. E. Hawley, was born in Delaware County, N. Y., June 1, 1852, removed to Chickasaw County, Iowa, in 1865; removed to Clay County, Neb., thence to Burr Oak, in Jewell County, Kan., in 1878. Held the office of City Councilman of Burr Oak for two years, and was elected Mayor of the City in April 1882. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity. The doctor studied medicine in Iowa, and graduated at the St. Joseph’s Hospital Medical College, February 27, 1882. He was married in Spring Ranch, Clay Co., Neb., November 27, 1871, to Miss Alice J. … Read more

Biography of Texas Angel

Since the town of Hailey was hardly more than a collection of tents Texas Angel has been numbered among its citizens and has successfully engaged in the practice of law, winning many notable lawsuits wherein he has demonstrated the possession of legal powers of high order. A native of the Empire state, he was born in Angelica, New York, October 19, 1839, and is a representative of one of the oldest families of New England. Hardly had the Mayflower deposited its precious cargo upon the shores of America, at Plymouth Rock, when the ancestors of our subject, people of Welsh … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Lewis Hall

Hall, Lewis; life insurance; born, Ox Bow, N. Y., Nov. 19, 1S57; son of Caleb G. and Catherine J. Lewis Hall; educated, Cazenovia, N. Y., Evanston, Ill.; married, Theresa, N. Y., March 31, 1896, Henrietta C. Simonds; twenty years representative The Mutual Benefit Life Insurance Co., Newark, N. J., at present with The Phoenix Mutual Life Insurance Co., Hartford Conn.; director T. H. Geer & Co.; member of Wade Park Lodge, No. 800, I. O. O. F.