Biographical Sketch of T. A. Martin

Is a native of Belmont County, Ohio, and was born November 9, 1842. His parents moved with him to Indiana when he was two years old, and he was reared and educated in that State, and began life as a farmer, and continued steadily in that calling till August, 1862, when he enlisted to help save the Union, in Company G, of the Seventy-second Indiana Volunteers, and served creditably till July, 1865, when lie was honorably discharged, having participated in the battles of Hoover’s Gap, Chickamauga, siege of Atlanta, and several other hard-fought battles and skirmishes. He came to Daviess … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. A. Stigers

Is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born in Fulton County, that State, on the 23d of October, 1838. When he was thirteen years old his parents moved to Ohio,’ where he completed his education and grew to manhood. He chose farming as a life calling, and engaged in that vocation in Ohio, and has followed it nearly ever since. In the spring of 1845 he went to Mahaska County, Iowa, and remained two years, then came to this State and County, and has been engaged in farming here ever since. He owns a good farm of 160 acres, situated … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Tingler

This highly esteemed resident of Daviess County was born in Guerusey County, Ohio, January 30, 1823. He received the usual education and on completing his studies served three years at the boot and shoe trade. Mr. Tingler at the end of that time went on a farm and remained in Ohio until the fall of 1849, when he removed with his wife to Steuben County, Indiana, having married in Hancock County, Ohio, two years before he left that State. His wife was Miss Elizabeth J. Sailor, and they were joined in wedlock October 14, 1847. They resided there seventeen years … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. Koger

This gentleman is a Kentuckian by nativity, born September 10, 1834. He came with his parents to this State and County when he was eight years old, and here grew up and received his education. At the proper age of starting out for himself, Mr. Koger began farming for a livelihood, and is still engaged in that occupation, and stock-dealing. He owns a large, well improved farm of 500 acres in Liberty Township, on which he has a fine brick residence, beautifully located, and surrounded by fine forest and evergreen shade trees. During the Civil War Mr. Koger was Union … Read more

Biography of Rev. John W. Black

John W. Black was born in Boone county, Missouri, February 11, 1833, His father was a native of Virginia, and migrated to Boone county when a young man, and was there united in marriage to Miss Ann, daughter of Andrew Hannah, who was from Kentucky. In 1849, with his wife and family of six sons and three daughters, he removed to Daviess county, and settled in Jefferson -township, one and one-half miles south of Victoria. The good mother died November 29, 1S51, but the children all survive. The subject of this sketch having received all the advantages of a good … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John H. Searcy

John H. Searcy is a native of Illinois, and was born November 9, 1844. He was partly educated in his native State and completed his education in Daviess county, this State, to which his parents moved when he was about twelve years old. On arriving at an age to transact his own business, Mr. Searcy began farming and stock-raising, and is still so engaged at this writing. He owns a farm of 181 acres of land in Jefferson township, which he has well improved, having one of the finest residences in the township. He is a man of large experience … Read more

Biography of J. H. Alexander

J. H. Alexander was born in Kentucky, November 30, 1819, and was one of a family of nine, six boys and three girls. His father was a Virginian by birth, served. a soldier in the War of 1812, and died at the advanced age of seventy-two years; his grandfather was a soldier in the Revolutionary War and was wounded at the battle of Brandywine; his mother was a native of Kentucky and died at the age of forty-six. Mr. Alexander was united in the marriage bonds to Miss Mary V. Reid, on the 5th of June, 1845, and the same … Read more

Biography of Joseph H. Mallory

Joseph H. Mallory was born in Grayson county, Virginia, July 11, 1819. His parents were born, reared and died in the same State. Our subject came to Daviesso county, Missouri, in 1841, and settled upon the farm where he now resides. This farm covers 250 acres of good land, 170 of which are under cultivation, but thirty-one years ago when he first staked off his claim, the county was new and nature seemed clothed in robes of primitive beauty, while wild animals roamed the unbroken prairies and birds of many kinds flitted from branch to branch in the dusky shadows … Read more

Biography of J. T. Matchett

J. T. Matchett, the subject of this sketch was born in Halifax, Dauphin county, Pennsylvania, March 5, 1838. His father, George Matchett, was a native of Ireland, and his mother, Mary Matchett, was born in the Keystone State. At the age of twenty years our subject migrated to Ohio and settled in Muskingum county, where he lived until 1862. In September of that year he enlisted in Company A, Seventy-eighth Regiment of Ohio Volunteer Infantry, Capt. T. P. Wilson and Col. M. D. Leggett. After a three months’ stay in camp near Zanesville, the regiment reported ready for duty, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Robert S. Osborn

Robert S. Osborn is a native of Boone county, Missouri, and was born October 31, 1826. In April, 1841, he accompanied his parents in their removal to Daviess county, and has lived upon the farm upon which they settled in Jefferson township for forty years. He owns a very desirable tract of land containing 544 acres, upon which he lives and is engaged in farming and stock-raising. His parents, who were natives of Scott county, Kentucky, are both dead. Mr. Osborn was joined in marriage to Miss Maria Osborn, on the 14th of March, 1850. Their union was blessed with … Read more

Biography of Charles Harrison

Charles Harrison, the subject of this sketch was born in Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, February 29, 1841. His parents were natives of Germany; his father died in Pennsylvania and his mother in Kentucky. He came to Missouri in 1859, and when the dark cloud of Civil War began to cast its baleful rays over the country in 1861, though but eighteen years of age, he enlisted in the cause of the Union, joining Company C, First Regiment Nebraska Volunteer Infantry, under Captain Thomas C. Majors, July 8, 1861. The regiment was mustered into service on the 6th of the following August … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William T. Hughes

William T. Hughes. This gentleman was born in Franklin county, Kentucky, November 25, 1850, and six years later accompanied his parents in their removal to this County, where they settled upon a farm near the spot where the town of Winston is now located. His father was a native of Virginia, and died in this county, February 7, 1879; his mother was born in Kentucky; and is still living. When they came here in 1856, land was then subject to entry at from $1.25 to $1.50 per acre, wild game was plentiful, while wild-cats, wolves, bears, etc., roamed the woods … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Kincaid

John Kincaid was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, April 25, 1848, and is a son of Jacob and Elizabeth Kincaid, both natives of Ohio; the father is now living in Grundy county, this State, but his mother died in Morgan county, Ohio. Our subject accompanied his father to Grundy county in 1865 and. lived upon the farm there until January 19, 1878, when he was united in marriage to Miss Maria Vandalson, of Mercer county, Illinois, the Rev. Charles Atherton, officiating. Shortly after his marriage he removed to this county .and rented a farm in Jefferson township, and one year … Read more

Biography of Wesley Lee

Wesley Lee, son of James and Margaret Lee, was born in Holmes county, Ohio, January 1, 1843. His father was of French descent and a native of Virginia; while his mother’s ancestors hailed from Wales, and her birthplace was in Maryland. They came to Ohio in 1815, and settled in Holmes county, where they lived, reared a family of fourteen children, and died. James Lee served as a soldier in the War of 1812. Wesley Lee traveled westward and settled in Daviess county in 1865. Shortly afterward he returned to his native State, and. was there united in marriage to … Read more

Biography of Elisha Frost

Elisha Frost, the subject of this sketch was born in Grayson county, Virginia, December 26, 1812, and was there reared and received his education. His parents were natives of the same State, and both died there. On the 14th of Au- gust, 1841, Mr. Frost and Miss Elizabeth Brown were joined in marriage, the Rev. William Carico, of the Methodist Church, performing the ceremony. By this union they have nine children; namely, James H., born February 5, 1843; George H., born November 12, 1844; John W., born October 30, 1846; Nancy E., born June 5, 1848; William C., born September … Read more

Biographical Sketch of M. W. Gamble

M. W. Gamble is a native of Indiana and one of eight children, four sons and four daughters. His father was a native of Pennsylvania and his mother was born in Virginia. They removed from Kentucky to Indiana in 1857 and lived there about twenty years going from there to Illinois and settling in Logan county, twenty-five miles northeast of Springfield. From there they went to Keokuk county, Iowa, where the mother died, and the father returned to Illinois where he died. M. W. Gamble was united in marriage to Miss Elizabeth L. Randolph, of Logan county, Illinois, August 30, … Read more

Biography of Wright Taylor

Wright Taylor was born in Simpson county, Kentucky, August 15, 1823, and his parents were natives of the same State, When only four years old his home was changed to Missouri, and for six years he lived near Liberty, in Clay county. From thence he removed to what was then known as the Grand River country, Plattsburg then being the chief town in the district, now comprising the counties of Daviess, DeKalb, Harrison, Grundy and Gentry. He went to DeKalb county from Clay, and remained there until he was twenty-one years old. On the 20th of March, 1844, Mr. Taylor … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis M. Burris

Was born in Illinois, July 18, 1858, and was there reared and received a good common school education. In the spring of 1874 he went to Livingstop County, Missouri, and there engaged in farming, continuing until the spring of 1877, when he went to Caldwell County and went into the drug business at Proctorville. He remained there until early in 1880, when he came to this County and opened out in the drug line at Lock Springs. He was married, in Daviess County, September 22, 1881, to Miss Mary A. Grimes, a lady who was born in Texas, June 11, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Huston

The above named gentleman was born in Washington County, Virginia, November 8, 1832. His parents, John and Easter Maxville Huston, were both natives of the Old Dominion. He was reared to the age of sixteen upon a farm in his native County, and then migrated to Missouri and settled in Livingston County, where he resided nine years. From Livingston County he moved to Daviess County, where he has since made his home. On the 12th of March, 1856, Mr. Huston was joined in marriage to Miss Mary J. Minnick, daughter of Isaac Minnick. The issue of this marriage was five … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph Offield

Was born in Sullivan County, Tennessee, October 9, 1827. His parents, Jesse and Polly Gallant Offield were also natives of Tennessee. His father was a blacksmith by trade and carried on that business in connection with farming; was a soldier in the War of 1812, and died in this County in 1851. His mother died in this County, May 3, 1880. In 1836 the parents of our subject removed from Tennessee to Schuyler County, Illinois, where they lived four years, and then, in 1840, migrated to Missouri and settled in Daviess County. Here Joseph was reared upon the home farm, … Read more