Biographical Sketch of Joseph Rader

Joseph Rader was born in Franklin county, Indiana, February 19, 1842, where he continued to reside till ten years of age. His parents then moved to Missouri and settled in this county, where Joseph grew to manhood and acquired his education. He was reared a farmer and continued in that calling till August,. 1861, when he enlisted in Company H, Twenty-third Missouri Volunteers as a soldier and served creditably until the time of his discharge in September, 1864. He took part in the battle of Pittsburgh Landing in April,. 1862, and was there captured by the enemy and held till … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William H. Crews

William H. Crews was born in Livingston county, this State, October 28, 1819, and there grew up and was educated. On attaining the proper age to begin life for himself, he began farming in his native county, and continued there until the spring of 1872, when he came to Daviess county, and has ever since resided here, engaged in farming. Mr. Crews owns a farm of eighty acres in Lincoln township, which he has well improved with a good house and barn, and all modern improvements to correspond. He is a careful farmer and cultivates his place to the best … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James Forth

James Forth was born in Virginia, February 14, 1844. When he was six years old his. parents moved to Grundy county, this State, remaining two years, and then moved to Arkansas. His father died on that trip, in September, 1852, and was buried on the way out. The family, however, continued on the road until they reached their destination, and remained in Arkansas about two years. They then returned to Grundy county, Missouri, and there James. lived until the war came on. In 1861 he enlisted, as a volunteer, in. Company H, Twenty-third Missouri, and served three years, when he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John F. McDougal

John F. McDougal. This gentleman was born in Virginia, May 1, 1814, and lived there till March, 1866, and there acquired his education. His coming to Missouri was on the last named date, and here again he engaged in farming, as he had done in Virginia, though he found a much more inviting field for agriculture here than in the time-worn” mother of Presidents.” Mr. McDougal came straight to Daviess county and settled in Lincoln township just when, this country was first recovering from the evil effects of the Civil War. He has been quite successful as a farmer and … Read more

Biography of Moses G. Netherton

Moses G. Netherton. The gentleman whose name heads this sketch is another citizen who can boast of having been to the ” manor born,” being a native of Daviess county, born February 27, 1845. He received his education in this county and. on leaving school, began farming and has been a farmer and stock-dealer ever since. In February, 1864, he enlisted in Company L, of the Twelfth Missouri Cavalry, and served till the war closed, and was honorably discharged in July, 1865. He participated in the battle of Nashville, Tennessee, under General George H. Thomas, and was in several other … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles W. Burrell

Charles W. Burrell is a native of Missouri and was born in Harrison county, November 7, 1857, and was reared and educated in the county of his birth. On leaving school he began farming as an occupation, and continued in that calling until the spring of 1880, when he came to this county and located in Lincoln township, where he resumed farming operations and. has ever since resided. His farm of 160 acres is well improved, and 120 acres of it are enclosed with good hedge fencing, and is nearly all in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Burrell was … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Cole

William R. Cole. This gentleman is a native of Missouri and was born in Grundy county, September 20, 1841. He was reared and educated in the county of his birth, and, on arriving at a suitable age; chose farming as his vocation in life. In the spring of 1868 he came to this county, where he has ever since lived, engaged in farming pursuits. He owns a splendid farm of 320 acres of well-improved land in Lincoln township, on which he and his family now reside. When the war broke out Mr. Cole enlisted, July 31, 1861, in Company D, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Markey

John Markey. This gentleman, who ranks among the largest farmers of the county, is a Dative of Pennsylvania, born June 18, 1846. While he was but a child his parents moved west and settled in Illinois, where John grew to manhood and was educated. On leaving school, he commenced farming as his calling in life, and is still engaged in the same essential occupation. In the-spring of 1867 he came to Daviess county, Missouri, where he has ever since-resided, giving his attention to farming and stock-raising. Mr. Markey-owns a large farm of 900 acres in Lincoln township, well watered and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles H. Witten

Charles H. Witten. This gentleman is a native of Grundy county, this State, and was born January 24, 1857. His parents moved to this county when he was two years old, and here Charles grew up and was educated. On starting in life for himself, he began farming and stock-raising, and still follows the same avocation. He owns a good farm of 180 acres of well-improved land, which is well watered, and in a high state of cultivation. Mr. Witten was married, in Daviess county, May 3, 1877, to Miss Amazette Boyd. She died January 19, 1880, after having borne … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William T. Brown

William T. Brown was born in Daviess county, August 29, 1853, and was reared and received his education in the county of his birth. Mr. Brown began life as a farmer, and is still engaged in that most essential of all avocations. He owns a good stock-farm of 240 acres, on which he has a fine residence, and has his whole place correspondingly improved. He was married, in this county, February 22, 1873, to Miss Susan Cray. They have one child, a daughter, named Mary. Mr. Brown is a thrifty farmer, and produces an average of about sixty head of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Solomon Lierley

Solomon Lierley. The subject of this sketch is a native of Illinois, and was born July 3, 1830. At seven years old, he moved with his parents to Adams county, that State, and there he grew up and was educated. He started in life as a farmer, and continued there till the spring of 1856, when he came to Daviess county, where he continued to reside ever since, engaged in farming. He owns a farm of 320 acres of well improved land, in Lincoln township, well watered and fenced and having a fine residence and good barn, situated a quarter … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Francis M. Madden

Francis M. Madden. The subject of this sketch was born in Logansport, Indiana, May 18, 1846, and there grew up and was partly educated. When the war came on Mr. Madden enlisted in Company B, of the Fifty-fifth Indiana Volunteer Infantry and served three months, when he was honorably discharged. In. the spring of 1865, he came to Grundy county, this State, and located at Edinburg. In the fall of 1866 he entered Grand River College, where he remained until the fall of 1879, when began school-teaching. Mr. Madden was married, March 24, 1870, to Mrs. Elizabeth Mitchell. Mr. and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Charles F. Witten

Charles F. Witten. This gentleman is a Virginian, and was born June 17, 1840, and lived in that State until the fall of 1850, when he came to Grundy county, this State, and here finished his education in Grand River College. After leaving college he began farming, and continued in that county until the fall of 1859, when he came to this county and remained two years. He then returned to Grundy county and lived there until the fall of 1879, when he came back to Daviess and has never again removed. In 1861, Mr. Witten, like a true child … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William E. Brennon

This gentleman was born in Virginia, July 24, 1827. When he was ten years old his parents moved to Ohio and lived three years, and then came to Caldwell County, Missouri. There William grew up and resided till the fall of 1847, when he came to this County and has lived here ever since engaged in farming. He owns a fine farm of 280 acres in Liberty Township, 240 of which are under fence. His farm is well watered with four living wells, and is suitably improved in every way. Mr. Brennon was married, in Caldwell County, June 10, 1847, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. M. Covington

This gentleman was born in North Carolina, March 17, 1807. His parents moved to Tennessee when lie was but six months old, and resided there two years. From there they moved to Christian County, Kentucky, and still later, moved to Hopkins County, where our subject grew to manhood. He began farming there, and continued till 1811, when he came to Daviess County, and entered the land on which he now resides, the place being located in Liberty township, and containing 250 acres of splendid land, which he long ago improved into a good and comfortable home. At the time of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of A. Fossinger

The above named farmer and stock-raiser, was born February 19, 1820, -and is a native of Pennsylvania. He enjoyed all the educational advantages then at hand in those early days, and remained in his native State until his twenty-second year. In the year 1842 he started out to seek his fortune and found a home in Ohio for eighteen years, learning and working at the basket-making business for a number of years. In the fall of 1860, Mr. Fossinger again changed his residence, giving his preference to the Wolverine State. The next seven years he remained in Michigan and prospered … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jacob Grove

Was born in Augusta County, Virginia, on the 19th of August, 1818.. He was taken to Indiana by his parents, who removed to that State when Jacob was three years old, and there lived until after he became of age. In 1834, he went to Mississippi, and after a sojourn there, went to Illinois, where he began farming, continuing there until the fall of 1857. That was the period of his coming to Daviess County, and he has resided here ever since. Mr. Grove was married, in Illinois, in February, 1841, to Miss Leah Kindig. They are the parents of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Simon Grove

Was born in Woodford County, Illinois, April 6, 1842, and there received a good common school education. In the fall of 1857 he came to this State and County, and has been a farmer in Daviess County ever since. He has a farm of 120 acres in Liberty township, which he has well fenced and improved. During the Civil War Mr. Grove was Union in principle, and February 27, 1864, enlisted in Company L, of the Twelfth Missouri Cavalry, and served till the close, participating in the battles of Nashville, Franklin, Spring Hill, Harpeth River, Selnma, Columbus, Ebenezer Church, Thomas, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Jesse A. Creekmore

Jesse A. Creekmore is a native of Daviess County, and was born March 21, 1834, and here grew up and received his education. He began life as a farmer, and is still engaged in the same worthy vocation. He owns a place of 160 acres in Liberty Township, which is well improved and arranged as a comfortable home. Mr. Creekmore is one of the earliest settlers in the township, and came to it when but three or four families lived within its limits, and they were miles apart. All kinds of wild game, such as deer, turkeys, etc., was abundant, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of T. S. Eggers

The subject of this sketch was born in Johnson County, Tennessee, September 19, 1852. He continued to reside in the County of his birth till he was fourteen years old, when he went to Indiana, where he resided till the time of his coming to Missouri. His education was received in Indiana, and lie followed the occupation of tilling the soil after leaving school. On coining to Daviess County, Mr. Eggers again engaged in farming, in which he continued steadily until the spring of 1875. At that time he became possessed of a desire to see the great western country, … Read more