Biography of Dr. J. W. Hightree

J. W. Hightree was born in Trumbull County, Ohio, June 22, 1825. His father, Peter Hightree, was born in Vermont, and his mother, Roxina Hightree, in New York, but were early settlers in Ohio. The parents each -died in the eighty-ninth year of their age. Our subject was educated for his profession at the Western Reserve College, and at twenty-one years of age began the practice of medicine in Trumbull County, Ohio. On July .12th, 1846, he married Miss Eliza C. Canfield, a native of Trumbull County, born June 27, 1827. Her father was born in Rochester, New York, and … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John C. Roper

In the subject of this sketch we have one of the earliest settlers in Daviess County and one of the first white children born in the township. He was a son of William Roper and Polly, his wife, who settled here in 1835. He was born in Marion Township, January 8, 1836. His father died August 4, 1864, and his mother in 1868. What education young Roper received was in walking from three to four miles to the primitive school-houses made of poles and without floor or door, for a few months in the winter season. On May 2d, 1858, … Read more

Biography of S. S. Ryan

Samuel Simms Ryan is a native of Pulaski County, Virginia, and was born April 12, 1822. His father, John Ryan, was a native of Virginia, and, his mother, Catherine Ryan, nee Fizzier, was born in Pennsylvania. His parents moved to Clinton County, Tennessee, in 1837, and in 1839 to Campbell County, Tennessee. His father was a blacksmith by trade, and about one half of the time our subject attended school, and the other half was spent in his father’s shop learning the trade. When Samuel was about twenty-one years of age his father moved to Jacksburg, Tennessee, and here Samuel … Read more

Biographical Sketch of J. B. Estes

This gentleman is a native of Daviess County, and was born on the 18th of July, 1847, and received his education wholly in this county. He was reared a farmer and began life for himself in this avocation, engaging in stock-raising and feeding and in breeding thoroughbred horses, of which he now has some very fine specimens on his farm in Marion township. Mr. Estes is a man of sound, practical views, and of a judgment well matured in the school of experience, and his reputation for honesty and integrity has won for him many friends.

Biographical Sketch of George R. Forth

George Ransom Forth was born in White County, Virginia, October 14, 1847, and is a son of William and Melinda Forth, nee Mays, both natives of Virginia. When George was about four years of age his parents moved to Grundy County, Missouri, and remained one year, and then started to Arkansas. His father died on the journey there. His mother and family lived in Arkansas about two years and then moved back to Grundy County and lived there until 1862, when they located in Daviess County, and his mother is still a resident of this county. George was educated at … Read more

Biography of Hon. James L. Powell

James L. Powell is a native of Washington County, Indiana, and was born July 5, 1818. When he was three years of age his parents moved to Putnam County, in the same State, and, after seven years, to Montgomery County. This was when that country was a perfect wilderness. All his early education was obtained in a little log school-house with greased paper for windows. At sixteen years of age he chopped wood and. did chores for his board in order that he might be able to attend the first session of the Iniana Asbury Institution of Learning, at that … Read more

Biography of C. Reno

Was born in Hardin County, Kentucky, October 9, 1834. When he was about sixteen years of age he came with his parents to Macoupin County, Illinois, and shortly after they arrived there his mother died. In 1854 he went to California and remained three years, then returned to Montgomery County, Illinois, and remained until 1856, when he came to Missouri and located in Daviess County. His father, William P. Reno, came with him and lived with him until his death, which occurred November 4, 1875. His mother, Lititia Reno, died in 1850. His parents were natives of Kentucky and of … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Greenville Blankenship

Greenville, son of John and Agnes Blankenship, was born in Greenupsburgh, Greenup County, Kentucky, June 2, 1817. His mother died when he was about four years old, and his father removed to Lawrence County, Ohio, where he lived until reaching his sixteenth year, when, in company with his father, he returned to his native county in Kentucky and there remained until 1849. In that year he came to Missouri, stopped one winter in Ray County, then came to Daviess County and settled in Benton Township, near old Pattonsburg, in the spring of 1850. He purchased a tract of wild land, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of James H. Barngrover

James H. Barngrover. The subject of this sketch was born in Ohio, February 12, 1825, and lived there until he was twelve years old, when his parents moved to Indiana, bringing him with them, and in the latter State he grew to manhood and completed his education. He began farming in Indiana, and continued there until the fall of 1853, when he went to Greene county, Iowa, and remained two years. In 1855 he moved to Daviess county, this State, and settled in Lincoln township, where he has ever since been engaged in farming and stock-growing. His splendid farm contains … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Isaac W. Booram

Isaac W. Booram. This gentleman was born in Kanawha county, Virginia (now West Virginia), August 23, 1830. At about twelve years of age he came with his father to Grundy county, this State, and there received his education. On arriving at the proper age, he commenced farming for himself, and still continues in that worthy walk of life. In March, 1853, Mr. Booram moved to Lincoln township, this county, where he has ever since resided. He owns a well-improved farm of 200 acres, on which he has a good residence and barn, the entire place being well appointed in every … Read more

Biographical Sketch of George W. Griffith

George W. Griffith, a native of Pennsylvania, was born June 12, 1826. He received his education in the State of his birth, and, on leaving school, learned the wagon-maker’s trade, at which he worked for three years. He then took up the trade of mill-wright and worked thereat five years. Next he engaged in the saw-mill business, continuing in that line until 1862, when he began farming. Mr. Griffith moved to Missouri in April, 1866, and located first at Chillicothe, Livingston county, where he remained until the spring of 1867, when he came to this county, and has lived here … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William Harden

William Harden. The subject of this sketch was born in Coshocton county, Ohio, November 18, 1831. His parents moved to Indianapolis, Indiana, when he was four years old, and there William was partly educated. When he was fifteen years old, they again moved, this time to Westfield, Indiana, where he completed his education. Farming was the occupation chosen by William as a life-calling, and he engaged in that honorable and independent vocation, soon after leaving school, and continued it several years in Indiana. He went to Lucas county, Iowa, from Indiana, and remained there till the fall of 1854, when … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John Terry

John Terry was born in this county March 10, 1850. His parents moved to Grundy county when he was five years old, and there John was reared and educated. He began life as a farmer and has been engaged in farming and stock-dealing ever since. In the fall of 1874, he went to Texas and there engaged in stock-raising, remaining till the fall of 1878, when he returned to Missouri and settled in Daviess county, where he has ever since resided. He owns a good farm of 160 acres in Lincoln township which he has especially adapted to stock-raising and … Read more

Biography of William M. Witten

William M. Witten is a Virginian, and was born in Tazewell county, that State, on the 9th of September, 1837. He was partly educated in the county of his birth, but left there before completing it. In 1851 he came to Grundy county, Missouri, locating in Edinburg, and soon afterwards entered Grand River College, where he completed his education. After leaving school be began life as a farmer, working with his father. He came to Daviess county in 1856 and settled in Lincoln township on a fine tract of land containing about one thousand acres, which his father had given … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John L. Gooding

John L. Gooding. This gentleman was born in St. Clair county, Illinois, July 21, 1839. His parents moved with him to Adams county when he was three years old, and there be grew up and acquired his education. He started in life as a farmer, and. has ever since been engaged in the same calling. In November, 1868, he came to Missouri and located in Lincoln township this county, where he has ever since resided, engaged in farming and stock-dealing. He has a well improved and well adapted farm of 162 acres of good land, on which he has a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of John A. Graham

John A. Graham is a Missourian, and was born in Grundy county on the 6th of August, 1849, and reared and educated in the county of his birth. After leaving school he commenced milling and teaming in Livingston county, and continued in the same business until October, 1870, when he came to Daviess county, where he has since resided. In this county he has been engaged in farming, and now owns a neat little farm of eighty acres in Lincoln township, which he has put in a high state of cultivation, and improved into a comfortable and profitable home. Mr. … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Caleb Scott

Caleb Scott is a Kentuckian, and was reared and educated in his native State, the date of his birth being December 12, 1808. He became a farmer on starting in life for himself, and followed that occupation in Kentucky till the fall of 1829. Being then of age, he went to Indiana and there engaged in farming and school-teaching till the fall of 1850, when he went to Sangamon county, Illinois. He remained there till some time in 1855, when he came to Daviess county, of which he has ever since been a citizen. Two years. after his coming he … Read more

Biographical Sketch of William R. Sparks

William R. Sparks was born in Owen county, Indiana, May 20, 1839, and received part of his education in the county of his birth, living there till he was twelve years of age. His parents then moved to Boone county, Iowa, and there William grew up and finished his education. He began farming in Iowa, continuing .there until 1870, when he moved to this State and county, locating in Lincoln township. He owns a farm of 140 acres of well improved land, which he has fenced with hedge fencing. Mr. Sparks was married, in Boone county, Iowa, September 14, 1862, … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Joseph T. Forth

Joseph T. Forth. This gentleman is a native of Virginia, born September 17, 1849, though he did not reside in that State after he was two years old, for the reason that his parents moved to Grundy county, this State, and brought the subject of this sketch with them. He went with the family on the Arkansas trip mentioned in the sketch of James Forth, and returned when they did. He received his education wholly in Missouri, and after his school-days were over, chose farming as a business, and is still engaged in the same laudable calling. He owns a … Read more

Biographical Sketch of Peter Nighswonger

Peter Nighswonger. The subject of this sketch was born in Virginia, March 22, 1817. At three years of age he went with his parents to Illinois, where he grew up and received his education. On arriving at an age to begin life for himself he commenced farming and has been chiefly engaged in that calling ever since. He came to this State and county in 1876,. and has resided here constantly since that period engaged in farming and stock-raising. He owns a well-improved farm of 239 acres in Lincoln township, being well watered and timbered, and has three miles of … Read more