Alphabetical Enumeration of Indian Tribes


  • Tacullies, “people who go upon water; ” on head waters of Frazier’s River, La.
  • Tahsagroudie, about Detroit in 1723; probably Tsonothouans.
  • Tahuacan, on River Brazos; 3 tribes; 180 m. up; 1,200 in 1820.
  • Tallahasse, (Seminoles,) 15 in 1820 between Oloklikana and Mikasaukie.
  • Tallewheana, (Seminoles) 210 in 1820, on E side flint River, Near the Chehaw.
  • Tamaronas, a tribe of the Illinois; perhaps Peorias afterwards.
  • Tamatles, (Seminoles,) 7 m, above the Ocheese, and numbered 220 in 1820.
  • Tarratines, E. of Pascataqua River; the Nipmuks so called the Abenakies.
  • Tattowhehallys, (Seminoles) 130 in 1820; since scattered among other towns.
  • Taukaways, on the sources of Trinity, Brazos, De Dios, and Colorado Rivers.
  • Tawakenoe, “Three Canes” W side Brazos r, 200 m. W, of Nacogdoches, 1804.
  • Tawaws, (Hurons,) on the Mawme in 1780, 18 m. from Lake Erie.
  • Telmocresse, (Seminoles) W side Chatahoochee, 15 m. above fork; 100 in 1820.
  • Tenisaw, once on that river which flows into Mobile Bay; went to Red r. in 1765.
  • Tetons, (Sioux,) “vile miscreants,” on Mississ., Misso., St. Peter’s; “real pirates.”
  • Tionontaties, or Dinondadies, a tribe of Hurons or their general name.
  • Tockwoghs, one of the six tribes on the Chesapeak m 1607.
  • Tonicas, 20 warriors in 1784 on Mississippi, Opp. Point Coupé; once numerous.
  • Tonkahans, a nation or tribe of Texans, said to be cannibals.
  • Tokawa, 700 in 1820, erratic, about Bay St. Bernardo .
  • Toteros, on the mountains N. of the Sapones, in N. Carolina in Carolina, in 1700.
  • Totuskeys, See Mangoaks.
  • Towacanno, or Towash, one of three tribes on the Brazos.
  • Tahuacana. Tsononthouans, Hennepin so called the Senecas; by Cox, called Sonnontovans.
  • Tukabatche, on Tallapoosie River 30 m. above Fort Alabama, in 1775.
  • Timica, (Mobilian,) on Red River, 90 m. above its mouth ; but 30 in 1820.
  • Tunxis, (Mohegans,) once in Farmington, Conn.; monument erected to them, 1840.
  • Tushepahas, and Ootlashoots, 5,600 in 1820, on Clark’s and Missouri Rivers.
  • Tuscarora, on Neur r., N. Carolina, till 1712; a few now in Lewiston, Niagara r.
  • Tuteloes, See Mangoaks, or Manoags.
  • Tutseewa, on a river W, Rocky Mts., supposed to be a branch of the Columbia.
  • Twightwees, (Miamies,) in 1780, on the Great Miami ; so called by the Iroquois.


  • Uchee, once on Chattauchee r. 4 towns; some went to Florida, some west.
  • Ufallah, (Seminoles) 670 in 1820, 12 m. above Fort Gaines, on Chattahoochee r.
  • Ugaljachmutzi, a tribe about Prince William’s Sound, N. W. coast.
  • Ulseah, on coast of the Pacific, S. Columbia, beyond the Neekeeto; 150 in 1820.
  • Unalachtog, one of the three tribes once composing the Lenna Lenape.
  • Unamies, the head tribe of Lena Lenape.
  • Unchagogs, a tribe anciently on Long Island, New York.
  • Upsaroka, (Minetare,) commonly called Crows.


  • Waakicum, 30 m. up Columbia River, opposite the Cathlamats; 400 in 1836.
  • Wabinga, (Iroquois) between W. branch of Delaware and Hudson r.
  • Waco, 800 in 1820 on Brazos River, 24 m. from its mouth.
  • Wahowpums, on N. branch Columbia River, From Lapage r. upwards; 700 in 1806.
  • Wahpatone, (Sioux,) rove in the country on N. W. side St. Peter’s River.
  • Wahpacoota, (Sioux ?) in the country S. W. St. Peter’s in 1805; never stationary.
  • Wamesits, (Nipmuks,) once on Merrimac Ricer, where Lowell, Mass., now is.
  • Wampanoag, perhaps the 3d nation in importance in N E when settled by the Eng.
  • Wappings, at and about Esopus in 1758; also across the Hudson to the Minsi.
  • Warananconguins, supposed to be the same as the Wappings.
  • Washaws, on Barrataira Island in 1680, considerable; 1805, at Bay St. Fosh, 5 only.
  • Watanon, or Weas, See Ouitinons.
  • Waterees, once on the river of that name in S. Carolina, but long since extinct.
  • Watepaneto, on the Padouca fork of the Platte, near Rocky Mts.; 900 in 1820.
  • Wawenoks, (Abenakies, ) once from Sagadahock to St. George River, in Maine.
  • Waxsaw, once in S. Carolina, 45 m. above Camden; name still continues.
  • Weas, or Waas, (Kikapoos) See Ouiatanons.
  • Wekisa, (Semin) 250 in 1820, W. side Chattahoochee, 4 m. above the Cheskitaloas.
  • Welch, said to be on a southern branch of the Missouri.
  • Westoes, in 1670, on Ashley and Edisto Rivers, in S. Carolina.
  • Wetepahato, with the Kiawas, in 70 lodges in 1805. Padouca fork of Platte River.
  • Wheelpo, On Clark’s River, from the mouth of the Lastaw; 2,500 in 1820; W. R.
  • Whirlpools (Chikamaugas,) so called from the place of their residence.
  • White, W. of Mississippi River; mentioned by many travellers.
  • Wighcomocos, one of the six tribes in Virginia in 1607, mentioned by Smith.
  • Willewahs, (Chopunnish ) 500 in 1820, on Willewah r., which falls into Lewis’s
  • Winnebago, on S. side Lake Michigan until 1832; Ottagamies, &c.
  • Wolf, Loups of the French; several nations had tribes so called.
  • Wakkon, 2 leagues from the Tuscaroras in 1701; long since extinct.
  • Walla Walla on Columbia r., from above Muscleshell Rapids W. Rocky Mts.
  • Wyandots, (Hurons,) a great seat at Sandusky in 1780; warlike.
  • Wycomes, on the Susquehannah in 1648, with some Oneidas, 250.
  • Wyniaws, a small tribe m N. Carolina in 1701.


  • Yamacraw, at the bluff of their name in 1732, near Savannah about 140 men.
  • Yamasee, S. border of S. Carolina; nearly destroyed in 1715 by English.
  • Yamperack, (Camanches,) 3 tribes about sources Brazos, del Norte, 1817, 30,000.
  • Yanktons, in the plane country adjacent to E, side of the Rocky Mountains.
  • Yattassee, in Louisiana, 50 m. from Natchitoches, on a creek falling into Red r.
  • Yazoos, formerly upon the river of their name ; extinct in 1770.
  • Yeahtentanee, on banks St. Joseph’s r., which flows into L. Michigan, in 1760.
  • Yehah, above the rapids of the Columbia in 1820; 2,800, with some others.
  • Yeletpoo, (Chopunnish,) 250 in 1820, on Weancum r., under S. W. Mountain.
  • Youicone, on the Pacific, next N. of the mouth of Columbia River; 700 in 1820.

Drake, Samuel Gardner. The aboriginal races of North America; comprising biographical sketches of eminent individuals, and an historical account of the different tribes, from the first discovery of the continent to the present period, and a copious analytical index. Philadelphia, C. Desilver. 1860.

1 thought on “Alphabetical Enumeration of Indian Tribes”

  1. I have a large in lay carving of an Indian Chief, he could have been Native American, that unfortunately I am going to have to part with. The carving features the head of the Indian as well as the head of a buffalo and a drum in the background.. If you know of where i might be able to get a fair estimate of this piece of art would appreciate your help The piece is over 20 years old, carved into pine with a stain over the whole piece.


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