Hawkinsville Georgia High School History

The Hawkinsville High School through the years has been outstanding. During the last half century seventy-five per cent of its graduates have enrolled in the different colleges and have generally taken good stands, the school for years ranking ninth in the State. None of this excellent record could have been possible without a uniformly splendid teaching force. Prof. T. A. Clower, a man of eighteen years successful experience, succeeded Professor Harris. From 1926 to 1935 the Hawkinsville public schools have made some progress despite the depression. Many books and magazines of value have been added to the library, and a … Read more

Hanksville, Pulaski County Georgia Schools

In the year 1889 the town of Hanksville had a number of private schools. The city council in 1890, considering a change in the system of the school elected the following trustees: Judge Jacob Watson James Stetson P. H. Lovejoy E. J. Henry Dave McCormick J. Jacobus. This board delegated Judge Watson to go to the Chautauquuar Lithia Springs to inquire for a superintendent. The board was then put in communication with N. E. Ware of Thomson, Ga., who was later elected. The following teachers were then elected: Geo. R. Glover Mrs. B. F. Parsons Miss Ida Watson Mrs. C. … Read more

Georgia Rangers: Company G, 10th Georgia Infantry

Roster of men who served in Company G, 10th Georgia Infantry during the Civil War. This company was part of the soldiers known as the “Georgia Rangers” and most if not all of the men came from Pulaski County, GA. Orran C Horne, captain James S. Leith, first lieutenant Batts N. Mitchell, second lieutenant Payton Wade Douglas, second lieutenant Charles C. Kibbee, second lieutenant, promoted to captain Samuel H. Mauget, second lieutenant, promoted to first lieutenant John W. Bozeman, second lieutenant Charles W. Linder, second lieutenant Richard E. Hudson, first lieutenant Marcus Levi, third sergeant, promoted to first lieutenant Henry … Read more

Election for officers to command Cavalry Company

Election for officers to command Cavalry Company At an election held in Hawkinsville, Pulaski County, on Monday, the 30th May 1836, for a Captain and other Commissioned and non Commissioned to command a Volunteer Cavalry Company of said County, the following persons (members of said Company) came forward and voted: Soloman Micheal C. Y. Gavaze Ezekiel Taylor B. W. Bracewell J. N. Phillips J. J. Taylor Robert R. Germany G. W. Collins Joseph J. Bracewell James M. Bracewell W. J. Whitfield James 0. Jelks James Boldwic Eldredge Count P. Fleming A. J. Collier John J. Wood James P. Cherry E. … Read more

Company M, 121st Infantry, “Home Guard”

One of the first military companies organized in Pulaski County after the War of 1812 was “The Home Guards.” Peace and plenty characterized our growing county for a long period of years after the War of 1812-14, but as a safeguard to our homes this company was organized, as we had no military protection. When the war clouds of the sixties hovered over our Southland and men were being called into service, the “Home Guards” were merged into a large company, the intrepid “Pulaski Volunteers,” the first company to leave Pulaski County for the battlefront. Their valiant history during the … Read more

Company I, Fifth Georgia Reserves

Roster of officers who served in Company I, Fifth Georgia Reserves. These men were primarily from Pulaski County, GA. W. P. Mobley, captain G. W. Hendrick, first lieutenant A. E. McLeod, second lieutenant B. F. Boon, second lieutenant J. L. Wilcox, second lieutenant

Company H, 10th Confederate Cavalry

Roster of officers who served in Company H, 10th Confederate Cavalry. These men were primarily from Pulaski County, GA. G. R. Coley, captain James R. Coley, first lieutenant, promoted to captain J. M. Thomas, second lieutenant, promoted to first lieutenant James E. Boothe, second lieutenant James M. Manning, second lieutenant Q. L. Harvard, second lieutenant L. F. Collier, second lieutenant

Company G, 10th Confederate Cavalry

Roster of officers who served in Company G, 10th Confederate Cavalry. These men were primarily from Pulaski County, GA. James L. Leith, captain P. T. McGriff, first lieutenant, promoted to captain T. N. Sutton, second lieutenant John A. Hendley, second lieutenant, promoted to captain James O. Farnell, first lieutenant, promoted to captain John B. Wood, second lieutenant David C. Joiner, second lieutenant, promoted to captain David M. Roberts, second lieutenant

Company F, Fifth Georgia Reserves

Roster of soldiers who served in Company F, Fifth Georgia Reserves. These men were primarily from Pulaski County, GA. Charles E. Clark, captain F. H. Bozeman, first lieutenant A. M. Newman, second lieutenant J. R. Love, second lieutenant A. Anderson’s (formerly Dawson’s) Battery, Georgia Light Artillery Thomas H. Dawson, captain R. W. Anderson, first lieutenant, promoted to captain Isaac O. Hall, first lieutenant William Bembry, second lieutenant Henry S. Greaves, second lieutenant, promoted to first lieutenant Sidney A. Moses, captain H. R. Felder, first lieutenant Willis G. Allen, second lieutenant R. H. Brown, second lieutenant W. R. Hurst, assistant surgeon … Read more