Biography of John A. Smethers

JOHN A. SMETHERS, A farmer and lifelong citizen of Greene Township, in Madison County, John A. Smethers has lived a life of usefulness and worthy influence in his native community, and is well deserving of the position he holds in the minds of those who know him. He was born here on August 20, 1867, and is the son of James W. and Mary R. ( Schweikhardt ) Smethers.

James W. Smethers was born in this Township also, and is now a resident of Ingalls, He has been twice married, His first wife died on April 7, 1889, leaving him six children, four of whom are now living. They are John A., of this review; Charles F., of Anderson, Indiana; William N., a farmer of Greene Township; and Warren F., who is in the employ of the Big Four Railroad. Following the death of the mother of these children, James W. Smethers married Matilda Clark, and their one child, Guernsey J., shares the home of his parents.

John A. Smethers was reared on the farm home in Green Township, and received such education as he was favored with in the public schools of his native community, which he attended until he was about eighteen years old, Until 1891 he continued to work on the farm, when he identified himself with the produce business in the employ of J. S. Cummins, continuing therein for five years, and then entering the grocery business for a similar period in Ingalls, Indiana, He then clerked in a hardware and general merchandise store for Randall Bros, for some six years and in 1908 was elected assessor of Green Township, He later bought the farm of D. R. Richard in sections 26 and 28, located in Green Township, where he has since resided.

On April 2, 1893, he married Merrilla M. Richards, who was born on the farm she now occupies with her husband, on August 28, 1872, and who is the daughter of David R. Richards and his wife, Emily Caroline (Davis) Richards, both of whom are deceased, One child has been born to Mr. and Mrs. Smethers,-Mildred F., born March 27,’1896, She is a graduate of the common schools and is now a student in the Fortville high school, The family are members of the Christian church of Ingalls, Mr. and Mrs. Smethers are members of the, Pocahontas Order, and Mrs. Smothers is Past Chief of that society, and has attended the Grand Lodge of the Order in session. He is also a member of the Order of Red Men, Mr. Smethers is a Republican, intelligently active in the work of the party, and he is now serving as assessor of the Township. He carries on a general farming business, and is prominent in local circles in the Township, where he has passed his life thus far.



Madison County IN,

Forkner, John. History of Madison County, Indiana: a narrative account of its historical progress, its people and its principal interests. Chicago: The Lewis publishing company, 1914.

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